
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 5, 2009 3:06 PM. The previous post in this blog was On the spot. The next post in this blog is Off the to-do list. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Different strokes for Thousand Oaks

It's interesting to see who gets bitten by the blogging bug. Erstwhile Portlander Janna Orkney, daughter of the founder of G.I. Joe's, blogged about that experience for a while. Now she's tackling public affairs on her home turf of East Ventura County, California with a newish blog called Conejo Post. As a member of the water and sanitation board down that way, she's also having an impact as a formal policymaker as well as a blogger.

Orkney dropped us a nice note today to say that our blog was part of the inspiration for her own. (She notes, however, that her "tone is gentler" than ours -- probably a smart move.) It's been a while since we had a "blogchild," and it is a good feeling. Good luck to her with her various public-spirited projects.

Comments (3)

It is well and good to be gentle with people, but not with lies and machinations that end up hurting more people ultimately because respect of persons mattered more than fact-finding. That kind of action is very common in Portland and I don't think history will show it to have been good.

Maybe she'll be less likely to try to boot people?

I'm just thinking that it may have been a part of her "gentler tone". Hey, we can all learn from one another. It's nice that she derived some inspiration from your place. Best to her, and to those who have inspired her.

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