
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 13, 2009 4:11 PM. The previous post in this blog was Value system. The next post in this blog is More signs of life in Salem. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What's on your mind? Too many make-work jobs.

Multnomah County Chair Ted Wheeler took a lot of flak over the past week for proposing to hire a staffer to post county information on social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook. But at least he was talking about posting information that actually pertains to government business. Meanwhile, over at the City of Portland, we're getting more and more of this on city bandwidth and city time. Where's the pushback on that?

Comments (9)

Seriously, how much does the job pay and where do I apply? Is there a job description somewhere?

I found the following post especially useful: "Twitter Champs!"


Go ahead, raise our water rates, you @#$%^&*'S.

Well, I certainly see why he got the job.

Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha WIPEOUT!

I meant the blogmeister job, or in this case Blog Mistress.

"the blogmeister job"

Just think it only costs prob $90K -100K per year to find out David Shaff likes turkey or salmon burgers.

There really is no recession at CoP is there?

For god's sakes, at least ask the guy what he is doing to save us money.

I guarantee you, saving YOU money is the last thing on his mind.



"Steve, I'm not sure how to answer this b/c it doesn't make sense to me... I'd be happy to address any concerns you have with our social media outreach, but I can't help to provide you any insight unless you elaborate on this comment for me.


Anybody else getting f**king tired of some "twit"er-er treating us like we were f**king grade school kids? Why does the Portland Water Bureau need a "social media outreach?" For Chrissakes! Anybody have a connection to any veteran City employees so we can find out WTF is going on down there?

Is Cava on Foster still open?

Perhaps we should empower him to explore other personal growth opportunities in a more "sunny and warm (but not roasting hot)" place. In other words, if you aren't going to do your job sir but rather participate in crap like this, please find employment elsewhere...preferably in hell.

I hear its nice there.

Here's a suggestion. Whenever you run across a post on a city blog which has no relevance to city business, just respond with a "get back to work" post in the comment section.

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