
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 8, 2009 3:04 AM. The previous post in this blog was Adams resigns. The next post in this blog is OnPoint swoon partially explained. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, May 8, 2009

Mayor Creepy in action

This should be required viewing in Abnormal Psychology classes:

Check out the expression on the guy's face just as he gets into the car. Now that's a sick man.

And Roy Kaufmann, the mayor's spokesman -- what a gig. You can almost see him up late at night rehearsing "Springtime for Hitler."

Comments (31)

hummmm, It's kinda easy, I'm thinking, to give up driving for a month, when you have a city vehicle and personal driver. What a sacrifice.

Despite everything, I kind of want Sam to stay on as mayor just for the awesomeness and mayhem, the shock and the awe.

I may go see Bud Clark and have a beer to see what he thinks.

Did we not just see Adams clearly and unequivocally lie on camera, again?

initially, I didn't like the extreme labels of "pathological liar", etc. being slung. now, those labels seem appropriate.

and like Jack pointed out, it's instructive to watch how he delivered the lie as he walked to the car. there's an arrogance there that I almost can't believe.

You can almost see The Zipper loading up that turd in his slingshot to fire at the reporter just as he escapes in his wind-up car.

It turns into comedy gold when the legislators totally and unambiguously refute his baiting allegations.

I like the way he talks about the legislators using their first names, implying he's got a close working relationship with them, then they go "Roadrunner" and drop the safe on him again.
"Beep, beep!"

When are guys like Sam and Randy going to learn that when you are in a hole - stop digging?

If Mayor McLiar would just shut up and do a decent job filling potholes, he might look a tad better.

Liar! Liar! Pants on fire!
Hey, at least he isn't driving.

Roy Kaufmann, there is a persistent belief that people with shifty eyes are probably lying.

OTOH, I thought it was interesting to hear Dan Tilkin use the Limbaugh terminolgy: "... four Democrat senators ..."

Megadittos, Roger.

After all this, I wouldn't let Sam fill out an office supply request form for Post-Its and pens, let alone run the business of the city.

Sam can't tell the truth, he can't comply with simple legislative processes, he can't effectively promote his (allegedly) most important causes, he can't keep his team together, and apparently he can't even drive.

In the immortal words of Joe Pesci, as Nicky Santoro in "Casino," "This guy could f*** up a cup of coffee."

I noticed that reporter Tilkin referred to the Senators as 'democrat' Senators. Is KATU a republican station these days?

To heck with the lies about his pitiful and pathetic sex life! Why isn't the MSM reporting on all the other lies that spew forth on an hourly basis from Sam?
This is SO exhausting.

Hey...If you see Bud, ask him if he has any recommendations for the mayor job. Has anybody impressed him lately?

OTOH, I thought it was interesting to hear Dan Tilkin use the Limbaugh terminolgy: "... four Democrat senators ..."

Interesting, but not surprising--KATU is consistently the most conservative of the local affiliates.

Should also be required viewing for sociology classes. It shows how difficult and time consuming it is to weed out toxic individuals. They're so practiced at misleading, creating confusion, creating ill-will, making you work and hiding out that most people just give up or get out of the way.

I'm not sure what's going on here. The Mayor's Communications Director, Roy Kaufmann, put out a press release on April 10th announcing a press conference to be held the following day in support of Senate Bill 907, which would have expanded Portland's discretionary design review authority.


It was a joint press conference with Senator Rod Monroe, so he was present when the Mayor asked that a hearing be scheduled on the bill.

The Portland Tribune reported a few days later that Senator Hass, whose committee had had the bill since March 16th, wasn't happy about the press conference because no one talked to him about giving Senate Bill 907 a hearing until a week before the first hearings deadline for most legislative committees. According to The Trib report, Senator Hass said he would request that Senate Bill 907 be referred to the Rules Committee, which has a later deadline for first hearings. However, Senator Hass's committee ended up having a public hearing on the bill on April 17th, the last day for first hearings for that committee.


I don't know whether anyone from the city attended the public hearing on the 17th or submitted any written materials. Senator Monroe rightfully expected some lobbying effort by the city following the press conference on April 11th, and earlier.

Maybe the Mayor dropped the ball. Maybe his minders dropped the ball. Maybe he is being sandbagged. Maybe this is a coup. Maybe this is a palace coup. Remember, someone who may aspire to be Mayor or even Governor used to work with the legislators who were interviewed by KATU.

I'm not defending anything the Mayor has done. He put himself in this situation by not resigning. I just have questions about whether something else is going on behind the scenes.

It's sweeps month. Sam Adams is good for ratings.

I just have questions about whether something else is going on behind the scenes.

here's what I suggest--when in doubt, pay attention to what Adams *does*. trying to figure out secret deals isn't necessary.

And what he did recently was this: lie about his interaction with legislators, then got caught in the lie. for a bonus, he even put words into the legislators' mouths.

OTOH, I thought it was interesting to hear Dan Tilkin use the Limbaugh terminolgy: "... four Democrat senators ..."

Did I miss the memo? Is it bias to mention party affiliation now?

No, the complaint is about the childish use of "Democrat," rather than "Democratic," as an adjective. Some tighty righty radio types say it this way because the Democratic Party isn't really democratic, blah blah blah.

This reporter's getting too close. Sam better come up with a sweet job working for the city and I mean quick.

"here's what I suggest--when in doubt, pay attention to what Adams *does*. trying to figure out secret deals isn't necessary"

You may think differently when we know who our next Mayor is.

Interesting, but not surprising--KATU is consistently the most conservative of the local affiliates.

I guess it'll take a while for the paranoia to wear off, huh?


Worrying about using "Democrat" vs "Democratic" as an adjective is pretty trivial.

http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Democrat -- yeah, I know, not an authoritative source. Still, new words enter the language every year.

An article in the New Yorker delves deeper:


So. . .perhaps its all about whether the Democrats really embrace the "ic" in their party? It's a good thing that Sam is non-partisan.

Godfrey and Z -

I ran into somebody impressive the other night; unfortunately, he lives in the wrong county and wrong city.

The Mayor of Tigard, Craig Dirksen, is an impressive guy. I don't think he wants to move, though.

THANK Goodness, one of our TV stations is finally doing some reporting on city hall instead of just reading their daily press release word for word. I was beginning to think Adams and Leonard (a.k.a Beavis and Butthead) were just going to keep getting a free pass by the media.
I think Dan T. and his reporting have been energized by the latest round. Beavis lobbed one over the net but KATU slammed it right back!

So. . .perhaps its all about whether the Democrats really embrace the "ic" in their party?

Actually, it's a matter of simple English, as well. "Democrat" is a noun. "Democratic" is an adjective. "Republican" is both a noun and an adjective.

People who use "Democrat Party" or "Democrat senator" sound like uneducated morons to someone like myself, at least. Sort of like pronouncing "nuclear" as "nookular." Small point, sure, but they're either doing it because they're too stupid to know that you don't modify a noun with another noun (except perhaps if you're German: Demokratsenator) or they're doing it because that's the way they hear it from their right-wing radio talk shows and they can't stop themselves, even if they're on the teevee. BYW, if you're trying to make the point that it was a trivial matter, Mike, you should have actually read the Hertzberg article all the way through to the point where he was talking about Bush's failure to live up to his promise of a higher tone.

Hopefully, this stadium farce will unravel just as the PGE purchase did when the ringleader of that (Neil) was exposed for what he is.
What we need in conjunction with the recall is:
a. A stable of respectable candidates to start a dialogue and proceed on the presumption that there will be a need for a special election. Start campaigning.
b. Someone to come forward with a job offer for mayor mcliar. Hey, does Guisto need a chief of staff for his new position?
Also, since Adumbs won election under false pretenses (which he admitted) shouldn't he have to pay back all that public finance dough?

If there isn't an open right hand lane, isn't illegal to try and pass a car on the right?

Maybe in addition to not being able to drive for a few days, Captain Creepy should have to attend driving scholl and retake his drivers exam.

Jerry Springer sport barrel politics and back door shenanigans. This TV news channel should be commended for doing these updates about this sick puppy. I am way over in Eugene but this crap gets funnier every day. Just when I start thinking Eugene is F'd up around I check in here and have a good laugh. When this is all over (soon) I know Sam will secure some sleazy reality show gig. I wonder if he could be bribed into a run for governor....just for the laughs along the way.

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