
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 7, 2009 7:07 PM. The previous post in this blog was World news tonight. The next post in this blog is Mayor Creepy in action. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Adams resigns

They're breaking the story here.

(Heh heh. Just practicing.)

Comments (11)

Fell for it - PSYCH!

I thought you were previewing the news. KATU had a teaser to the sequel of its story about the Mayor and the Legislators on the news this evening. More at 11 pm tonight.

AW..Gee... you got me all excited.

Well, just like the instructors at the Amphibious Warfare School (Coranado) say:

"Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock."

(Generally followed by a hell of a loud bang...)

You got me too, and my old friend!


At this point, attention need be turned to the very problem that propelled Mr Adams to the mayor's office: the absence of other options.

This is not to suggest that Mr Dozono was not capable, but only that time was short and lies were many a year ago.

Portland does seem to suffer a shortage of capable political leadership. Worse, it lacks a "None of the Above" ballot option. Still worse, the five-commissioner form of governance is no longer workable in a city this complex.

Curiously, it was the same Mr Ball of more recent celebrity who last mounted a serious but futile attempt to reform our structure of city governance.

Mr Adams has brought us manufactured crisis after manufactured crisis, obscuring our very real economic crisis. Yet we must focus on whom we want instead of the current mayor and council cronies. Thanks for reminding us of this.

There is no shortage of capable people who would be ready and willing to serve as mayor if an Adams recall was successful. Nick Fish would gladly take over, and he'd do a far superior job. Wheeler would be another one, if he lives within the city limits (I hear he may not). I'd even take Amanda Fritz over Creepy Sam. If the recall looks like it has a shot of making it to the ballot, others will make their willingness known.

Randy is the one with the name recognition. You'd get Randy.

Can't we find another jovial bartender to do the job? The last one worked out OK, and certainly was better than most if not all of the professional pols who preceded or followed him.

OH PLEASE , it clearly should be
Mayor BoJack ! He seems to know how those number thingees work...

If the Mayor resigns before July 1st, we get Randy for Acting Mayor because he is the current President of the Council.

Does anyone know who is designated to serve as President of the Council starting on July 1st?

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