
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 29, 2009 1:09 PM. The previous post in this blog was Do it right. The next post in this blog is Not even a linchpin. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, May 29, 2009

Get ready

The big day, apparently, is Wednesday.

Comments (9)


I thought AG Kroger put out a press release on when he was going to release a press release concerning the date in which he would release a press release about the press release announcing findings in the investigation of Mayor Creepy.

I'm sure he's very busy with global warming.

Fred, my first thoughts exactly. Darn. I'm still hoping it'll happen soon.

But, of all the various handshakes and slaps and routines I've seen through the years, I have to admit that the "bump" made a lot of sense to me this last winter with a nasty cold bug running rampant among my colleagues and friends! "Pressing flesh" seemed a lot less attractive.

However, to dedicate a day to it...

Another "damn" in hopes of Kroger. Don't toy with us this way!


Knockin' Knuckles for Knchange?

Is there an inside joke? Or is someone just clueless?

Another Kroger false alarm victim here. And this just shows Libral Mejia Bias - nobody proposed "Nat'l Choke on a Chip" day when the Chimpster gagged (or whatever really happened).

Remember that dingbat on FOX who called this a "terrorist handshake"? You know it's way out there when even FOX fires you.

As far as the Kroger false alarm, if you think you got a jolt from Jack's headline, imagine what Sam's people went through.

To avoid shaking hands (fear of swine flu bugs) some folks are now bumping elbows.

I heard Sam Adams was pushing to change this to "smooch an intern" day...

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