Convention Center chief getting the boot
The Goldschmidt boys are throwing him to the curb. One of the reasons given is actually kind of amusing: He's not "building a coalition" around the headquarters hotel boondoggle. For that, he should be getting a medal.
Comments (6)
According to the O, Bragdon's criticism was that: "Mr. Woolson's approach to the headquarters hotel is emblematic of his approach to the job, in which he treats everything as a public relations matter requiring only publicity, slogans and staging rather than analysis, attention or coalition building."
Poor Woolson - he learned from watching the folks who run this City and State that "publicity, slogans and staging" are the Portland/Oregon Way, and analysis is a no-no (the most elementary will kill the boondoggle Hotel), but he failed to play ball, apparently. Don't worry, though; it will cost us a small fortune to see him off.
Posted by Lalawethika | May 29, 2009 12:38 AM
Besides his not playing ball with the Goldschmidt boys, I can say I can't disagree with Bragdon for getting rid of the lout for nearly doubling his office expenses on a unnecessary move downtown. I would have fired him a long time ago for that brain fart.
Then again, who hired this jerkwad at that astronomically huge salary? Oh was Mr. Bragdon...go figure. One of the highest paid public officials in Oregon is the guy that runs three entertainment and convention venues that constantly LOSE money??
Something tells me that this whole METRO thing was a bad idea back in the 70s when we created it.
Posted by LexusLibertarian | May 29, 2009 7:24 AM
""Mr. Woolson's approach to the headquarters hotel is emblematic of his approach to the job, in which he treats everything as a public relations matter requiring only publicity, slogans and staging rather than analysis, attention or coalition building."
I thought that was the whole MO of METRO and CoP. Or did I miss the last time they did an objective analysis of a project instead of lining up the usual suspects to pump sunshine?
Posted by Steve | May 29, 2009 10:41 AM
Thank you David Bragdon for s**t-canning this guy. Keep up the good work.
Posted by cbb | May 29, 2009 11:18 AM
If any of the private sector businesses I run performed as badly as any in Mr. Woolson's portfolio I would most certainly be shown the door with nothing further due except perhaps some unemployment. I think all these fat-cats need to be evaluated on performance and thinned out accordingly.
Posted by Ranz | May 29, 2009 11:45 AM
The Peter Principle at work.
His replacement will probably be equally incompetent, but minority or female, which is a lot better.
Posted by anonymom | May 30, 2009 9:18 AM