
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 14, 2009 9:51 AM. The previous post in this blog was Beaver State not so busy. The next post in this blog is Could the Blazers still get a 2 seed?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

E-mail, Feeds, 'n' Stuff

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tweety birds

Portland now has a "Twisitor Center."

Comments (5)

This will be twouble.

I tried twitting but wasn't twitty enough. Dropped it. I actually signed up for Portland's Twitter feed. More like forced feed. A constant streem of events, restaurants and hip locations apparently of interest to someone but not me. Twitter is a monument to those with severely retarded attention spans. Beware those spending their time on this...

Speaking of twitterpated twaddle, today I unearthed a periodical that I had not been aware of, thrown out my NW Thurman neighbors.

The OREGONIAN, unable to sustain a marketable and even-handed local newspaper, has been publishing a glossy, full-color "Portland Monthly Lite" magazine, ULTIMATE NORTHWEST. This periodical targets the wealthy and well-to-do in Portland with stories about vacationing in Mazatlan, wine auctions, philanthrophy in hard times, tax-friendly homes, pricey spring fashion and the like. I haven't seen it on any newsstands so they may be targeting upscale zip codes. $4.99/copy for a 64-page issue.

Looks like this has been going on for three plus years (judging by the Volume 4/Issue 2 designation).

It's probably easier to sell ads when the advertisers know that the issues are targeting an upscale market with lots of discretionary income.

Should I confess to be twittering about twittering.

Soory, Twitter is like eMail in that the greater the volume the less the actual information.

That sort of thing is dangerous in a self-promoter's (like Sam) hands.

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