If, like I, you have been watching with amusement as Sarah Palin and her colorful extended family try to keep their baby stories straight, here's a corker. As you may recall, there are two baby boys in the Palin household these days -- Trig, a Down's child born sometime around April 2008; and Tripp, a child born sometime between late December 2008 and mid-February 2009. The official story is that Trig is the son of Sarah and her husband, Todd; and that Tripp is the son of their daughter Bristol and her former boyfriend, Levi Johnston.
This week Levi, his mother (accused of being a drug dealer), and his sister Mercede appeared on the Tyra Banks TV show telling some version of the story, and they supplied the show with a number of photos which were portrayed on the show as being of Levi, Mercede, and Tripp -- the new baby. Here is one of them:

Slight problem: That is a picture of Levi, Mercede, and Trig, taken sometime last spring -- before May 5 -- in Sarah's kitchen. Pictures of the same baby, in the same chair, being held by Mercede, with the exact same hair and clothes, have been circulating since last summer -- long before Tripp was born. This particular photo from that session, with Levi present, have never been seen by the public before now.
Why would the Johnstons deliberately display this nearly year-old picture to the TV-viewing public in a package with recent photos of the other baby? Just one more way -- and there are too many to count -- in which the official story doesn't add up. (Not to mention why the Palins would let their daughter's teen boyfriend and his sister snuggle up so closely for the camera with their very newborn special-needs son.) The Trig truthers are all over the latest oddity, here.
As for the Banks interview itself, I had to turn it off after a while. My personal lie detector was screaming so loud it was going to wake the neighbors.