
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 15, 2009 3:48 PM. The previous post in this blog was All night long. The next post in this blog is A fantasy hoops year to forget. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, March 15, 2009

What happens when you blog too much

I may need counseling. Last night I dreamed I was ordering a sandwich at a takeout place, and Neil Goldschmidt was behind the counter making them. He was really laying on the spinach. I tried to avoid eye contact.

Comments (7)

As far as therapists go, Don Cohen is very good: 503-238-5557

I'd bet Neil hasn't made anything with his own two hands (except happy endings) since he was a teenager.

I've found that a little Jameson http://www.jamesonwhiskey.com/ on ice (or Jenna on DVD) makes blogging a distant memory.

Ahh, blogging about blogging too much.

Reminds me of when I was wondering if I should quit the music business and my response was to write a song about it.

The band had been chewed up by all manner of calamity and it crossed my mind that things had shifted from a holding pattern to a downward spiral. And I feared we were about to go into a free fall.
I can only remember 2 lines of the song:
"It's your only life and you could lose it, don't you think it's time to face the music?"

Speaking of Neil. . .

He was at the World Cup Coffee next to Powell's in Beaverton Friday morning. Drinking it, not making it.

He's put on quite a bit of weight.

oh no,,,,,

now I know why I use commas like this


(Thanks for reminding me of my Faux Paw.)

Goldie was mayor, me and girlie friend went into Roses on then 23rd? To get stuffed with a LS Supreme ummmm. Soon as we walk in the door Goldie was walking out. Our eyes locked, him looking for recognition and me recognizing a celeb. I said "hey hello mr. Goldschmidt" I reached out my paw and strangled his weak sweaty, girly hand. "Nice to meet you" Of course being a punk kid I stopped there and didn't introduce my girl or try to engage any further as well he was somebody and I was well you know.

Years later when the facts came to light regarding his (as the O says "affair") I say rape of that underage girl. I felt myself drawn to the basement. Picking up the extra sharp hatchet I thought about hacking off that tainted paw but no guts. I contracted "OCD" thereafter,I washed that hand for weeks and it just wouldn't come clean. Haven't been able to eat sandwiches either.

Was Billy Cody, back there under the counter?

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