
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 15, 2009 5:19 AM. The previous post in this blog was Nationalize AIG. The next post in this blog is What happens when you blog too much. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, March 15, 2009

All night long

This is the time of year when basketball players start getting tired from the long season, and they need to start conserving energy for the important post-season games ahead. Brandon Roy of the Blazers is starting to look bushed, for example. He's the go-to guy every game, even when the competition is weak. Lately he's been having to save his best stuff for the fourth quarter, sleepwalking through other stretches of the game.

At this point in the season, nobody can be too thrilled at having to play long multiple-overtime games. But if the score's tied at the end of the contest, the ballers must play on. This past week, we had the six-overtime thriller between Syracuse and Connecticut in the college ranks. Then last night in the pro's, Miami took three overtimes to beat Utah. Dwayne Wade played 52½ minutes and scored 50 points for the Heat. The final score was 140 to 129. Dee-fense!

Comments (4)

Dwayne Wade is out of his mind right now.
Thanks for the Utah loss - Go Blazers.

A few of the Blazers have been battling the flu recently, which I'm sure has made individuals appear lethargic on the court.

Roy has looked sick recently during games.

In one recent game, Joel got an IV at half time.

Referring to that six overtime game against Uconn on Wed. night, Syracuse's Jonny Flynn played 67 of the 70 minutes.
The next night Syracuse won in an overtime game and last night they just ran out of steam against L'ville in the second half.

If the Blazers play for the rest of the season like today against the Hawks, Greg is going to be able to spend a whole lotta time rehabbing that knee while watching the playoffs on his big screen.

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