
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 27, 2009 3:16 AM. The previous post in this blog was Another Lloyd Center area shooting. The next post in this blog is New mayor of Portland: Little Lord Paulson. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, March 27, 2009

Breaking news

Fireman Randy "wants control."

D'ya think?

Comments (16)

I think I have a solution: light up the nose year-round, change the words to "Go Buy Condo," and turn everything in a two block radius into more condos.

These are very dangerous people. Hank Paulson is bigger than the Govt itself.

Great, Randy gins up a crisis to divert people from the real issues. Maybe one day we'll get voters in town who see thru this charade.

"a "national signature" for the city and state and part of the cultural fabric of Portland, Leonard said."

So when do they bring back the "Jesus - Light of the World" sign?

What a buffoon.

So---he thinks he's even bigger than the constitution by taking away free speech rights with the City's condemnation power. Shameful.

It says, "Darryl Paulsen, president of Ramsey Signs."

Is this Paulsen another that Paulson? literal or figurative?

Here is another potential use for duct tape.

Why not compromise and change the "O" in Oregon to the U of O graphic "O" and leave the rest the way it is.

Actually, Travis, that makes sense. So it won't happen around here.

White Satin: Private manufacturer
White Stag: Retail company
Made in Oregon: Retail store

For 69 of 69 years, this sign has been an advertisement. The traditional element is not the message but the Oregon outline and the deer. How is it worth $500K and a brew-ha-ha with a major employer to prevent the sign from being what it has ALWAYS been?

"How is it worth $500K and a brew-ha-ha with a major employer"

Randy Leonard gone wild.

From The O story: "At their meeting in October, Frohnmayer was angry that Leonard wasn't on board with the university's plan for the sign, Leonard said. 'He was hostile and profane and I took it.'"

Dave Frohnmayer hostile and profane? This may be the single funniest thing I've ever read in The Oregonian.

Randy sure knows how to play the aggrieved party. You have to give him that.

Does anyone think this is just something Randy is trumping up to start a battle with Frohnmayer for a possible governors race?

Oh, God. Don't let the fireman see this:


Imagine Randy Leonard having the nerve to complain about anybody else being "hostile and profane." It's like Heidi Fleiss complaining about public nudity.

"Leonard said city ownership of the sign will protect it from Oregon's broadly constructed free speech provisions."

I recall Frank Ivancie calling the Constitution a "moving target." But then Frank also once said that somebody had "buttered their bread; now they have to lie in it."

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