
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 9, 2009 10:54 AM. The previous post in this blog was Can't trust that day. The next post in this blog is Headline of the Year (so far). Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, February 9, 2009

Cha-ching! Indulgences are back

You talk about turning back the clock. Pretty soon this Pope will have them with their backs to you and mumbling in Latin again.

Comments (6)

Yet more proof of the limitless arrogance of the upper echelons of the Roman Catholic Church. These guys make the Ponzi schemers of Wall Street look like Cub Scouts. I wonder if they truly buy their own crap sometimes.

Interesting. I wondered where the idea for carbon credits came from...

What's the harm in a good old-fashioned fund-raiser like indulgences? Those bake-sales just never bring in enough revenue for the good causes.

I welcome this trend.

Maybe our brilliant legislators could find a way to adapt this old tried-and-true revenue raising technique to modern conditions. For example, for X dollars contributed to your local government, you could get a total or partial forgiveness of some grievous offense such as marijuana possession. The possibilities are endless.

It's time for some bold leadership here!

What can one expect from a Nazi?

Maybe our brilliant legislators could find a way to adapt this old tried-and-true revenue raising technique to modern conditions.

So...if Sam donates city land to build a new condo tower...he could be forgiven for his lies!

Vatican authorities have reported the source of an odd humming noise to be the crypt where Pope John XXIII's body was lain to rest. He was dicovered spinning in his grave at 23,000 rpm.

It's forward into the past with the Mother Church, that's for sure. They're partying like it's 799.

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