
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 8, 2009 8:52 PM. The previous post in this blog was Overheard at preschool. The next post in this blog is Communion of saints. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Advice to the lustlorn

Spin cycle? Porn -- apartment neighbors -- alcohol -- it’s only a matter of time my friend.

Comments (5)

Remember, "advice to the lustlorn" spelled backwards, is: 'forlorn lust for advice.' And it's rhyme as the only matter.

I still have fond memories of that one time on top of the old Maytag.

"Vagina Sunsets"

Vagina Sunsets?

What is that like, a new mixed drink?

Because I sure hope not!


Still waiting on an advice question from you. Something like "If I happened to run into a certain gay mayor who took advantage of a teenage boy and then lied about it, and I punched him in the face, what would be the legal consequences?"

And Samuel, I think you've just coined the new big thing in cocktails. Bravo!




And Samuel, I think you've just coined the new big thing in cocktails. Bravo!

Yay, me!

Well, if you put enough rum in it, I won't care what you call it really.

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