
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 14, 2009 7:36 AM. The previous post in this blog was In Portland, the "creative class" does the math. The next post in this blog is Look who's back. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Venn Diagram of the Week

Comments (6)

You know, they are just being nice to him with that graph.

The graph certainly gets the gist of Sam the Tram's agenda except that it only has 31 agenda items and he has an agenda idea every hour he's awake, and sometimes when he's not awake.

That is a gross and misleading exaggeration . . . I see that tiny sliver where logical ideas overlap Samadam's agenda. Impossible.

The forever misguided Sam is merely duplicating the push for the same things always on the agenda. God times or bad it's more government spending to spur job and econimic growth.

That's exactly what was said ahead of every single boondoggle and program.

Here we are in a deep recession, heading deeper, and Sam and company are mimmicking the State and Kulongiski as if they have it all figured out.

The only breath of honest air was from Peter Courtney last week when he said he doesn't know anything else to do.

Loved the diagram! Thanks for the laugh. If only it didn't ring so true. . .

That chart is funny, but it actually pulls the punch. Go through the list and note how many are 180 degrees from the "what works" studies in each field.

School achievement? Proposed = heap attention on failing kids. What works = heap attention on achieving kids. Deferred maintenance? Defer longer! Financial reserves? Raid for hotel and ball park and give, with predictable losses insured, to private parties.

If it were fiction, it would be hilarious.

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