
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 21, 2009 10:30 AM. The previous post in this blog was In other bad news.... The next post in this blog is Unsustainable. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

It's a small, small world

I see that Oregon attorney general John Kroger's going to be the one investigating whether Sam Adams had sex with an underage boy, as opposed to a barely legal boy. This is supposed to provide "independence" to the process. Unfortunately, one of the players in the scandal is Mark Wiener, a Portland political consultant who has done a great deal of campaign work for both Kroger and Scoutmaster Sam. Wiener and the mayor reportedly coached the boy about what to say when asked about the sex.

Another player is Randy Leonard, a staunch Adams supporter in the scandal (at least until yesterday) and a big-shot endorser of Kroger.

I don't see why the local police and the county d.a. can't simply do their jobs in this matter, but if a truly detached outsider is needed, Kroger's not the one. He's a capable prosecutor, but too many of his pals are involved in the case.

Comments (33)

Having the head of the police union barking that Adams should resign doesn't exactly bode well for a PPB investigation in this matter without the appearance of prejudice.

After reading the WW story at breakfast this morning, I get the feeling that all of these players have slept with the same people. It's going to be very difficult to find a completely impartial investigator (or, it appears, reporter).

But it sure is going to be fun to watch.

What a train wreck!

I saw the comment by some drone in the Oregonian about how Sam was good for sustainability so we need to keep him in office.

I'm thinking Sam's vision of sustainability is that every year there is a new bunch of boys who just turned 18!

And someday, there will be a convention hotel to play in with all the boys!

some drone in the Oregonian about how Sam was good for sustainability so we need to keep him in office.

You mean the same Oregonian who called on him to resign? The guy has burned up his goodwill at the Arlington Club. It's a matter of time...

They'll have everything for you men to enjoy...

karma is a bitch. this couldn't be happening to a more deserving fella!

The city commissioners and many high ranking members of the public/private sector (aside from the head of the police union) seem scared to directly and publicly challenge Adams on his dishonesty. Obviously, many want to protect their backsides if Adams weathers this storm. I'm interested to see who is the first to really publicly step up and break ranks.

This may the most entertaining train wreck to hit Portland since Terry picked up that brown paper bag.

SAMBLA has to go...

Years ago a good friend of mine in Portland, who happened to be a gay male, told me that I would be shocked to learn which prominent local married men were secretly involved in the gay community. I don't know whether this situation continues today. You are already questioning whether several prominent public figures have sufficient distance from the matter to be objective. We don't know, however, which people involved in the process might have secret alliances with the gay community.
It might be better to have an investigation based in Salem instead of Portland, although many state employees commute from Portland to Salem for work.

I got the feeling after learning some of the details, that Sam went to Salem for Breedlove's 18th birthday to pick up his "present".


If he steps down or is removed, who steps in? Yes, I could do this research myself but I'm too lazy and I bet you already know.


I am totally amazed at Amanda Fritz. She is a mother and psych nurse, her husband heads a psych ward. What is it she does not understand about Adams grooming this young man while he was 17. I wonder as a parent what she would say if it was one of her sons. She has to do the right thing and ask Adams for his resignation. He is not going to do it because he really is a sick man and is incapable of realizing it. He needs help not power

Sam, Randy and Amanda all need to resign ASAP. Sam for lying, for asking others, including the boy, to lie on his behalf, for thereby stealing an election in which he got traction by questioning his opponent's integrity, and for getting into the pants of a youth (barely legal or not). Randy and Amanda have proved themselves morally unfit for office by their immediate attempts to protect him.

None of these three is fit to represent Portland.

Who decided that Kroger gets to investigate? This decision needs to be challenged.

Is it true that Randy Leonard automatically becomes mayor if Adams resigns?

City Charter Section 2-206 Vacancies in Office, Filling of Vacancies


Apparently the position stays vacant until a special election or elections determines who will fill the unexpired term.

There may be other charter provisions which designate someone to preside over the City Council while the mayor's position is vacant or perform some of the mayor's duties.

My dim recollection is that besides the mayor, there is also a position called something like a "president of the Council," which rotates among the commissioners.

One good example of why the PPB and County DA shouldn't be the investigators: James Chasse.

As a conservator and servant of the public, the major should consider how much time and money this investigation and the subsequent publicity will consume . . . money and time that should be devoted to city business and not to Sam Adams.

Er, I meant MAYOR, not major - the latter a self-styled term that probably only exists in the mind of the mayor himself.

I can't resist posting this dialogue from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

R.P. McMurphy: "She was fifteen years old, going on thirty-five, Doc, and she told me she was eighteen, she was very willing, I practically had to take to sewing my pants shut. Between you and me, uh, she might have been fifteen, but when you get that little red beaver right up there in front of you, I don't think it's crazy at all and I don't think you do either. No man alive could resist that, and that's why I got into jail to begin with. And now they're telling me I'm crazy over here because I don't sit there like a goddamn vegetable. Don't make a bit of sense to me. If that's what being crazy is, then I'm senseless, out of it, gone-down-the-road, wacko. But no more, no less, that's it."

The WW reported that Mark Weiner doesn't recall portions of his meeting with Beau, which was to coach his dishonest response to the media. His involvement will no doubt be part of the AG investigation.

I wonder if his memory will continue to be faulty and if his long list of political clients (including Randy) will reconsider working with him in the future.

If Adams wants our trust now he should volunteer for a poly-graph on the 17 vs 18 yr old question.

We just need to trust Sam on the 17 vs 18 yr old deal. He wouldn't lie about something like would he.

Sam is now officially a joke. The longer he stays in office the bigger the joke. I actually hope he sticks around, this will be fun.

First event for the new convention hotel will the the Man Boy love in hosted by our mayor!

If a special election were held, who would be the favorite(s) to fill the vacancy?

Sho? Leonard? The return of Sten? John Branam?

If a special election were held, who would be the favorite(s) to fill the vacancy?

Phil Busse is looking for something to do...

This has got to show up on "The Daily Show"

I think The Professor is correct (but this is not my final answer).

The following is part of the City's Emergency Code, so I don't know whether it's used when there is a vacancy due to resignation or removal of the mayor.

City Charter Section 15.08.010 "Mayor and Successor to Mayor"


So who is the current President of the Council?

I'm going to email Amanda to notify her that I will be "mentoring" her daughter as soon as she turns 18.

But I won't teach her any of my special secrets until the leftover Birthday Cake is spoiled.

A reader writes:

The Kroger investigation is meaningless. I do not think the average Portlander cares if his partner was 17.90 years old or 18.1.

The reason he must resign is that he lied to us, he coached others to lie, he had his campaign staff coach others to lie and then feigned whole hearted righteous indignation when it first appeared. He questioned the integrity of an important political adversary. He did so in order not to threaten his position in the campaign. All the above may be legal and survive an attorney general review -- but should have no bearing on his staying in office.

Do not let anyone think the Attorney General, who must interpret law, is an appropriate way to evaluate the harm which has been done. Legal does not mean right, and to put this in the Attorney General’s hand may be a ploy by which to change the discussion from what is right to what is legal.

I believe Leonard is the current President of the Council. He would take over as Mayor until a special election is held.

To the Police union, all I can say is "Be careful what you wish for."

JB's correct - Randy would step in until a special election. Funny he changed his tune on Sam yesterday. Lightbulb must have come on.

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