
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 15, 2009 7:53 PM. The previous post in this blog was Just an old, sweet song. The next post in this blog is Quickest way to lose your job in the Legislature. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Coolest guy on earth right now

Comments (13)

A wisp of wind could have made it go so, so, so bad. Great talent and good conditions make a miracle. As I hear, some of the lucky are headed to Seattle. Wow.

I would be willing to put up with hours of delays and generally crappy service if he is my pilot.

True hero. He not only was the last one off the plane, he apparently ran up and down the aisle - twice - to assure eveyone had evacuated.

The water was about 35 degrees and the air temperature was about 20. Think he felt the cold?

Plus, there is a ton of boat traffic on the Hudson. He managed to miss all of it.

He is 57 years of age which means he will be forced to retire in three years. His skills and experience will be missed.

Growing up as an Air Force brat, many of our family's friends took jobs as commercial pilots after leaving the service. As a result, I remember the airline strikes, like the '98 strike, pretty well. Every time, there's some stupid talking head or dude on the street who compares airline pilots to overpaid bus drivers. I hope that the next time those issues come up, someone can respond with stories like these.


A very brave, very skilled man, who kept his cool and did the right thing with flawless split second decision making.

He saved many lives with his actions; kudos and a sincere thank you to him and the rest of the crew.

And let's not forget the heroics of the flight attendants and the co-pilot too!

The coolest guy in Portland right now is Blazers rookie Jerryd Bayless (23 points off the bench in last night's win, including a highlight real-worthy dunk).

With the Oden-o-Meter on the side of the page, how are we to comment on the Blazers now?

That last should have read "highlight reel-worthy".

His massive brass balls must be the reason he's smiling.

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