
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 15, 2008 3:12 PM. The previous post in this blog was How Portland helps its retailers. The next post in this blog is Chickens come home to roost. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, December 15, 2008

Report from the outdoors

We headed out of the house for a while this afternoon, and instead of finding the nightmarish scene portrayed by the local television stations, we found what can better be classified as a beautiful day. Clear as a bell, and with more light than one could ever hope for in these latitudes a week before solstice.

Sure, it was cold, and there was a withering wind. But properly dressed, a person could have a lovely time strolling about a bit in it. Why anyone would close her business or stay home from work or school on a day like this is a classic Portland mystery.

Comments (12)

"...we found what can better be classified as a beautiful day. Clear as a bell, and with more light than one could ever hope for in these latitudes a week before solstice."

What better reason to stay home from work or school today.

Playing hooky is one thing -- staying locked up inside your house is another.

You went outside!!!

That cinches it: You're nuts!

I walked and drove on the glare ice today, too, and sported about, and I kissed the world and I liked it.

'Solstice' is the Sun standing still, on a level, stitial, as is seen by a noon-watch -- one 12 o'clock glimpse per day -- which notices Old Sol cresting lower and lower at his zenith, each day since, well, say August, until now he sinks no mo' and is as low as he goes for about ten noons in a row. Then -- blessed event!, begins coming back to our senses.

Some explanatory graphics is in the first 20 minutes of Zeitgeist: The Movie.

I made it in to work, no problems. Bundled up like a mummy & took the MAX. When I arrived, a co-worker told me "There's no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothes." Too true!

Such irresponsible behavior should be taxed! Why should taxpayers pay for such reckless adventures that could lead to injury or death? Pavement and sidewalk marking are obliterated, leading to trips and stumbles that could result in fractures and abrasions. Children might desire to maliciously form and compress this dangerous substance and project it at others, causing humiliation and rage!
Please for the sake of the children STAY INSIDE!

I walked a couple of miles and rode Max and saw lots of people out and about in the Hollywood District. But I think it was a quite a bit harder to get around on the west side and in the hilly areas. Maybe that's where the TV people live? Anyway, last week while in Chicago on business I noted the steady snowfall and asked if school would be canceled. "Ha, no way," came the reply. "They don't have snow days in Chicago. The feeling is: 'Deal with it.'"

Geez, you went outside? Don't you know that going outside in the cold "can seriously damage your skin in a matter of minutes"? Just one of the many salient and useful weather facts provided by KPDX.

It was much nastier out here in east county. The few times I went out, I was just about knocked down by the wind. And all that snow we got is now covered by a nice thick layer of ice... I don't know how I kept from landing on my rear end.

"Geez, you went outside? Don't you know that going outside in the cold "can seriously damage your skin in a matter of minutes"? Just one of the many salient and useful weather facts provided by KPDX."

Wow, glad I didn't hear that before I walked 30 blocks to work yesterday. And home.

I might have had to call in useless!

Maybe, like you, people want to be outside on a gorgeous afternoon. Sounds like a terrific reason to close the shop and to give your employees a day of R&R.

I, unfortunately, was in my office all day yesterday, and back again today.

I waited for more than an hour and bus never came so I stayed home yesterday. Today I made it to work.

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