
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 4, 2008 10:29 PM. The previous post in this blog was New music format at our house. The next post in this blog is Calling the U.S. attorney. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Digging deep for the truth

At the end of a long string of malarkey regarding cell phone antennas right outside your window on a telephone pole, a story in the O gets to the heart of the matter:

She also questioned the point of the neighborhood meetings if the neighborhoods have no say.
You got that right. It's why sensible people stay home.

Comments (3)


The decision has already been made "in your best interest."

I think the Oregonian story is a little confusing.

Despite what the story implies, there is nothing in the Telecommunications Act, Oregon Revised Statute (757.270-290), or Oregon Administrative Rules (Chapter 860-028) that provides open, unfettered access to placement of wireless facilities on utility poles.

In fact, the agreement that went before Council contained a number of requirements that reflect the City's ability to regulate and manage the placement of these facilities within its boundaries – even within the right of way.

The problem with the proposal was that the enforcement and review process for these requirements is either very vague or non-existent.

As captured in the quote from Kathy Fuerstenau, the agreement now has a notice and meeting requirement but no way to follow-up on any concerns resulting from this. It is merely a requirement to send a notice and have a meeting. "What's the point?" is more than a fair question.

But the Council gets this. That was the gist of their decision on Thursday and what is missing from the O's store.

The Council adopted a temporary six month extension of existing franchise agreements using the proposal presented by staff. AND they are expecting to have staff create new version that better addresses the concerns presented by the community. That version will be considered in June 2009.

In other words, staff is being given six months to make this right. That was the big story from the 12/4 decision.

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