
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 10, 2008 8:38 AM. The previous post in this blog was Buck-a-Hit Day VI is next Wednesday. The next post in this blog is Busting the boys in blue. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Coming soon to Portland: pork

Here's quite a list of infrastructure projects that the City of Portland is asking the Obama feds for dough for. Along with each project goes an estimate of how many "jobs" it will "create." The job numbers look high, and it doesn't say how long the positions will last, but hey -- if we're going to bail out Wall Street, might as well have a little action on Salmon Street.

Comments (17)

Y'knew he had to get some bucks for the streetcar didn't you? At lease he is asking for something to fix infrastructure, after all most of the pipes in the ground close0in is only pushing 100 years old.

I think it would far better to use some of that federal money to renovate the horse-hitch rings throughout the city. Do you realize how old they are? And what a hazard it is, when your horse could easily break a rusty old ring and get loose to run amok?

As I have said, "Porkland"

No mention of the Sellwood Bridge. Does someone have something against it? Or is this just the city and the county has a completely different wish list?

There is:

• Repairing Portland bridges for $22 million, generating 312 jobs.

Maybe the Sellwood is in there? Or perhaps since it's the county's burden, the city is just ignoring it.

Actually these projects look pretty good, streetcar excluded. Now what I'd really like to see is the OHSU Log Ride down the hill....

Nice article in the Post warning about Japan's experience with the "cement tsunami" as the economic cure-all.

Because, if it's important to Oregonians, it's in the Washington Post ...

With link this time!


It's outrageous that Obama should be even considering priming the economic pump with public, infrastructure spending. I mean, why can't he stick with the traditional approach of military spending?

why can't he stick with the traditional approach of military spending?

Dont worry, he will. He cant just cut it off. Its gonna take a while.
Which begs the question....where is the "infrastructure" money going to come from?

where is the "infrastructure" money going to come from?

Same place the money for the Iraq war and Bush's tax cuts came from.

A copy machine in the basement of the White House?

"No mention of the Sellwood Bridge."

Sellwood Bridge is Mult County's responsibility and there is no way in heck CoP is going to volunteer any money if they don't have to.

Let's ignore the fact that probably 80%+ of the people who use the Sellwood are CoP taxpayers.

Let's ignore the fact that probably 80%+ of the people who use the Sellwood are CoP taxpayers.

Well, from Table 3.1-1 on page 5 of this document:


It appears that 13% of the trips are between Clackamas and Washington County, 52% of the trips are between Clackamas County and Portland, and 7% are between the east and west sides of Clackamas County.

Oops, make that page 3-5 in Section 3.1.


Using figures from the article, that comes to $848 million to "create" 8,938 jobs.

That's an average of $94,900 per job.

Surprise, surprise, the most expensive is the SoWa project at $381,100 (!!!) per job.

Not surprisingly, the least expensive project involves filling potholes--only $67,800 per job.

In case you were wondering, if these projects really "create" jobs, then they would bump Multnomah County employment by 2.3%. That bump is too big to believable.

"It appears that 13% of the trips are between Clackamas and Washington County, 52% of the trips are between Clackamas County and Portland, and 7% are between the east and west sides of Clackamas County."

So what does all of that mean as far as CoP taxpayers as a %

My assertion is that CoP will not give up $0.01 to fix teh Sellwood bridge if they don't have to.

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