
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 19, 2008 1:08 PM. The previous post in this blog was A dad's tears. The next post in this blog is Hold onto your wallets, Portland. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Somebody finally indicted Dick Cheney

I vote that we hold him and Alberto in Guantánamo pending trial by a kangaroo court.

Comments (10)


You can't hold them in GITMO for more than a couple weeks. Obama's first act as President is going to be to close it, remember?

You can't hold them in GITMO for more than a couple weeks. Obama's first act as President is going to be to close it, remember?

That's quite alright. As many of us have been arguing all along, even the world's real terrorists, of which there have never been more than a few in Guantanamo, would be just as secure in a US supermax prison.

I see no reason why Cheney and Gonzalez cannot be held in solitary confinement in, say, Florence Correctional Complex in Colorado. After all, this is where we house Zacarias Moussaoui, Richard Reid, Omar Abdel-Rahman and Ramzi Yousef.

I concur!

I see no reason why Cheney and Gonzalez cannot be held in solitary confinement in, say, Florence Correctional Complex in Colorado.

It would be disappointing if there are no photographs or videos involving nudity, dogs, torture, waterboarding, etc.

It would be disappointing if there are no photographs or videos involving nudity, dogs, torture, waterboarding, etc.

You trying to punish them or reward them? Those right wingers are skanky. Remember George Schultz and the tiger tatoo on his ass? I really don't want to ever know HOW, but Raygun knew about his "making it growl".

All politicians are high in the need for power, which is often conceptualized as sexual exploit. If you want to punish Mad Dog Dick, make him work for 8 more years for a low-income energy assistance program. And rehab. Teach him to speak out of the front of his mouth.

Bush and the real President Cheney should hang in the gallows that Sadaam took the drop from. The only difference is Sadaam took it like John Wayne....Bush would SH his pants....BIGTIME!
as Cheney says.

Sadly, the Vanguard Investment Group thing is probably too much of a stretch to really get Dick, not that mere legality seems to matter much to him. A better crack at him might be Scott McClellan's claim that Dick & George were in on the outing of Valerie Plame. If that's true, that seems like a much better felonious crime to stick on them.

The questions are what is the statute of limitations, can an ex-President and ex-VP be charged with crimes committed during their terms, and will George preempt these by pardoning himself & Dick for "anything" when the time comes?

PdxMark, you have to be aware by now that Richard Armitage,who worked with Colin Powell, admitted to being the one who outed Plame.

I've always heard that a good D.A. could get a Grand Jury to indict a baloney sandwich. I didn't know it was really that bad until I read about D.A. Juan A. Guerra.


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