
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 19, 2008 2:31 PM. The previous post in this blog was Somebody finally indicted Dick Cheney. The next post in this blog is We won. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hold onto your wallets, Portland

I just saw Sam the Tram and about a half-dozen other bureaucrat-looking folk standing on the northwest corner of North Vancouver and Broadway. They were gazing south, and an older, bald guy was pointing over toward the Rose Quarter. Obviously, somebody has some big plans for something -- but what?

Comments (11)

maybe it's a new sit/lie center?

I got $100 on some condos and possibly a streetcar line.

I'll bet he's just telling hem where to dump all those "green collar" jobs he ordered.

Wouldn't that be a good spot from which to eyeball Memorial Coliseum, the potential site of the new Portland Beavers' stadium?

It also is a good spot for the transportation commissioner to get a look at some dangerous intersections that PDOT might be changing in the future.

Wouldn't that be a good spot from which to eyeball Memorial Coliseum, the potential site of the new Portland Beavers' stadium?

That was my first thought too, but it's too far east. They've been refurbishing the warehouse right there between Broadway and Weidler. Could have something to do with that.

I believe they're planning to run the streetcar though there as well. It all depends on how big the check H. Paulson writes is.

We'll see. I wonder if the city will actually be able to borrow the $100 million that the stadiums scam is going to need. Also, since they're going to dump the Lents idea, Fireman Randy may rebel.

They may have been looking at making changes to improve bike safety situation at that intersection.


Those changes are for an intersection one block east of where they were standing today. Broadway and Williams is way worse for bikes than Broadway and Vancouver.

There are no signs to be seen that city hall has recognized and adjusted anything to the State, Country and Global economic meltdown. Their business as usual conduct is irrational, reckless and inept.

Why are they so dumb?

It looks as though it is going to be the site of the City's Sustainability Institute, at least temporarily.

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