
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 5, 2008 7:48 PM. The previous post in this blog was Gordon Smith keeps hanging on. The next post in this blog is Measure 64 is close, and going to get closer. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Merkley ahead, could win by 35,000

It's taken all day, but the worm has clearly turned in the Merkley-Smith U.S. Senate race. Statewide, Merkley's now ahead, 705,961 to 701,236. There are still apparently around 125,000 votes to count in Multnomah County, and around 210,000 in the rest of the state. Merkley should win the remaining Multnomah votes by around 49,000, and Smith should win the rest by about 15,000.

The Dems won't get their filibuster-proof supermajority in the Senate, but they will very likely get Jeff Merkley joining the Senate ranks.

Comments (6)

Surely they can get Joe Lieberman to vote with them.

So the Dems will soon control the executive and legislative branches of government in Washington D.C., just as they have monopolized the levers of power in Portland, MultCo, and the State of Oregon for some time.

Four years from now, if the Sellwood Bridge is falling down and Wapato Jail is still closed, if children lack access to health care or adequate food and shelter, and businesses are relocating jobs to other states and countries, all while we pay the highest property/income taxes and water rates on the West Coast...Can we still blame the Republicans?

If Al Qaeda or North Korea launch a missile at the continental U.S. eight years from now, will you still blame George Bush?

I wish Merkley and Obama all the best. That said, I hope they understand the franchise risk inherent in underestimating our enemies, or overestimating the power of government to do for us what we should be doing for ourselves.

will you still blame George Bush?

The way you blamed everything on Clinton? Probably not.

Perfect answer, Jack.

Merkley is creepy. At least Smith worked well with Wyden.
He is far from perfect, but I did vote for Smith. Merkley will be a nobody in the Senate.

Gordon Smith ought to take Brownlow behind the woodshed for siphoning off all those votes.

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