
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 3, 2008 9:31 PM. The previous post in this blog was The rich get richer. The next post in this blog is Peak (Whale) Oil. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, August 3, 2008

Logical transition

Just as we're about to be rid of a national leader who's a drug-addled trust-fund baby with attention deficit disorder and the social skills of a wet dishrag, let's go with one of the Keating Five -- a graceless old war-monger with post-traumatic stress disorder who doesn't know how to use a computer.

Comments (5)

What is it, 95% of McCain's votes in the senate were with the President? (excuse me while I gag, it's a reaction I have when I think of W) That should be more than enough for people to realize that McCain represents more of the same.

You shouldn't believe the poll numbers,it just heats up your blood..

If you want a real scare, check out all the internet comparisons of McCain with Queeg (as in Captain Queeg). Hyperbole and fantasy aside, I think there is a kernel of truth in this. There is often a shrill undertone to McCain's statements which sets off my alarm bells.

Here is one example, of many:


Here's one more, from a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution:


Although easy to disregard this item as something no one is talking about, and any discussion that may come seems would require re-programming the mind of a monster-size majority of folks, still I like it for its 'bombshell' news item upside and I hope some reporter could be encouraged to ask the 'stricken' candidate his outlook on finding a possible remedy for his affliction:

Psychedelic Healing? - Hallucinogenic drugs, which blew minds in the 1960s, soon may be used to treat mental ailments, By David Jay Brown, Scientific American MIND, December, 2007.

Psychedelics such as LSD and the compound in magic mushrooms could [test data show] ease a variety of difficult-to-treat mental illnesses, such as chronic depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and drug or alcohol dependency.

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