
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 21, 2008 3:17 PM. The previous post in this blog was The next bad-infill battleground. The next post in this blog is What do gin-and-tonics and global warming have in common?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, July 21, 2008

Back door, please!

A new blog provides tales from Tri-Met.

Comments (10)

Who ever heard anyone say "please" after barking "Back Door!"?

Hey, this is Portland, where it's standard practice to thank the bus driver when disembarking. In Newark, where I grew up, it's thanks enough not to kill the driver.

I was pleasantly surprised that it was little human observations rather than tales of wilding teenagers run amok.

The best is last: "A flip but no flop."

You haven't lived until you have commuted on TriMet. Depending on what route, you can get a week's worth of entertainment in under an hour. The commuter lines at rush hour are usually fairly well behaved and "normal" but try some of the others for real fun!

I have sat next to a clown in a stinking clown outfit that had not been washed in likely years. His slurpee cup was filled with beer. I have sat squished next to a 350 pound woman who "shared" every life detail with me including the fact that she was looking for a van to live in with her dogs because her ex boyfriend stole $13,000 out of her purse while she was playing pool (imagine that!), as well as the exciting fact that she was just offered a job as a nude model.

Bust the chops of TriMet the organization if we must, but never pick on the poor drivers. Those guys and gals in general earn their money. I am going to keep tabs on them via the blog site. Thanks! And God bless the faithful polite and respectful riders.

cool! now anyone can be the Night Cabbie.

(The flip-flop one was good)

Night Cabbie is the only thing worth reading in Willy Week unless the Rogue happens to live in Irvington.

Hey JK -- have you ever made it to Rogue of th Week? You might with your video tapes!

The best one has to be the artist and the microwave lady...now that's classic Tri-met!

Thanks, Jack, for the mention!

LVIN LA VIDA SUBURBIA a TRIMET BUS driver thanks you for your comments!

We here at TRIMET work hard to make this system work properly.

Sure it's not perfect, show me something that is!

But you know what?

Portland is truly a great city to be a transit bus driver in, probably the best city in America!

If you want to see what its really like to be a bus driver in this city check out:

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