
Exactly six years ago, I wrote the first post on this blog. Since then, I've written more than 7,300 additional posts, drafted and then deleted hundreds of others, drawn more than 2.4 million unique visits (by SiteMeter's count), been graced by more than 66,000 online comments, and had a heck of a lot of fun.
Among many other things that have come with the blog, I've met all sorts of people whom I never would have known, been reunited with friends and family from more than half a lifetime ago, had various new and enriching experiences, gotten an occasional good deal, blown off a lot of steam, played some games, gotten answers to a bunch of questions, learned new skills, had quite a few belly laughs, cried a little, and gotten to where I've nearly broken even on the thing in money terms.
This seems as good a time as any to express my gratitude to my beautiful bride and our wonderful daughters, who cheerfully put up with this endeavor as well as with my many other quirks. I also owe a real debt to my cyberfriend Jake Ortman, who has masterfully guided the technical side of this site through all sorts of gnarly transitions.
I suppose this is the time that I'm supposed to say something like, "Readers, this blog wouldn't exist without you." But as most of you know, that would be a lie. Even when my readership was in the single digits and my old Blogger site didn't have comments (they didn't arrive until I jumped ship to my own domain in August '03), a blog fit me like a glove.
Of course, readers do play an important part in what goes on here. The other night, a fellow I was introduced to asked me, "What's your blog about?" I mumbled something about "local politics," but I should have a better answer than that ready. It's really more just what's running around my brain at any given time. Fortunately, that content is greatly expanded by tons of interesting leads sent to me by readers every single day. A lot of professional pundits wish they were so lucky.
Anyway, so much for the blogiversary observation, and on with year 7.
Comments (20)
As a new regular reader of your blog I congratulate your unembroidered pugilistic efforts to keep our local hacks on the up and up. The breadth of your curiosity results in bringing information both entertaining and engaging. Your reader’s comments add flavor and perspectives that enrich this site. Keep up the good work.
Posted by John Benton | July 6, 2008 5:53 AM
Happy Anniversary.
Your blog fulfills a crucial need. Let us hope more voters learn of your blog and vote with more scrutiny.
Posted by KISS | July 6, 2008 6:05 AM
Happy Blogiversary, Cousin Jack! A small thing I always meant to share with you, and this seems like a fitting occasion to do so: It was so exciting for me, when Jimbo & Kenny drove our friend T & me through Newark a few months ago, to see all those places in person that you had so nicely, and lovingly, written about. Those are my favorite posts of yours. In the coming years, I wish you more readers, more friends, more learning experiences, and many more happy blogiversaries.
Posted by Erica | July 6, 2008 6:23 AM
Congrats Jack! You have a great blog here. The first thing I check every morning is my Jack Bog feed! Thanks for all the great info you provide. Keep it up!
Posted by Jon | July 6, 2008 9:04 AM
I don't know how you make the time for the blog, Jack. But I'm glad you do.
I would say "local politics" -- especially government's inevitable failure when they overreach -- is only half the story; the other half are the stories and memories that catch your eye and warm your heart.
The blog is a window into your life experience and your joie de vivre.
Congrats on 6 years.
Posted by Mister Tee | July 6, 2008 9:13 AM
Congrats Jack! I am a bojack wife knows who you are now. I am always talking about what you are saying.
Posted by Troy | July 6, 2008 9:32 AM
I think I've been checking-in daily since 2003 when I moved back to Portland after college in the Bay Area. I've been in Bend now for almost 3 years, and your blog - more than any other source - keeps me abreast of what's happening in Portland.
I probably disagree with your take on things 25% of the time, but I sure appreciate what you do.
To the future...
Posted by Joey | July 6, 2008 12:23 PM
My kids say there is a six in that mess of dot's. I will take their word.
Posted by meg | July 6, 2008 3:02 PM
That's in honor of my late dad, who never could see the number, either.
Posted by Jack Bog | July 6, 2008 3:11 PM
Many congrats to you!! I enjoy reading and learning from your blog every day.
Posted by laurelann | July 6, 2008 6:23 PM
I didn't know what blogs were until 2 yrs ago. A good friend of mine turned me on to this one--now I'm a junkie. Happy B-day bog blog.
Posted by jimbo | July 6, 2008 8:06 PM
You enlighten and inform more than local politics. Thank you.
Posted by Jerry | July 6, 2008 9:43 PM
When I grow up, I want to be just like you! Coongrats Jack!
Posted by Fred Stewart | July 6, 2008 11:09 PM
Congrats, Jack! I'm glad you decided to do this 6 years ago. Thank you!
Posted by edison | July 7, 2008 12:58 AM
My pleasure. Thank you all for the kind words.
Posted by Jack Bog | July 7, 2008 1:19 AM
The birth of your blog almost precisely coincides with my political activism, which only came about when I questioned why the city couldn't get the water bills right. I've enjoyed reading and weighing in on your blog ever since, but I have to say... I used to have a happy life.
Ignorance really is bliss, you know?
Posted by Dave Lister | July 7, 2008 8:14 AM
Congrats, Cuz.
Posted by Cousin Jim | July 7, 2008 12:16 PM
Jack, may you have many more years to come!
As a red-green colorblind man, I will assume there is a number 6 there. I'm part of that 10% that can't see it there. D'oh!
Posted by Moses Ross | July 7, 2008 12:23 PM
After reading the comments, I see you did that for your dad! Very cool, Jack.
Posted by Moses Ross | July 7, 2008 12:26 PM
What is this 'meanderings' you speak of?
Congratulations, Jack. 6 down, 3 to go, (it seems), make 'em count, slugger. Be a hitter. It only takes 1.
Posted by Tenskwatawa | July 7, 2008 10:54 PM