Welcome to www.bojack.org

It's about time I had my own domain, just so I can be master of something. I plan to move my weblog over here (there's a month of my life up in smoke), and to use this site to stretch out my internet skills just a bit. But that's in the future. For now, catch up with me at either of these two places:
I hope to see you there!
Comments (4)
Congratulations! Now you might want to make the comment font color different from the background...
Posted by Emily | August 10, 2003 7:00 PM
Thanks. Turns out the problem was not with colors, but rather a quirk in IE6 that has trouble with floating div's. If you had highlighted, then unhighlighted, the missing text, it would have miraculously appeared.
I fixed it (I think) by inserting 'position:relative;' in various places in my comments style settings.
The people on the MT support forum were really helpful.
I've got some more questions for you now, but I'll send those by e-mail by the by.
Thanks again for your help.
Posted by Jack Bog | August 11, 2003 10:54 PM
Neat, Jack. I just moved to MT myself and one thing I can tell you from sad experience, DO NOT TRY TO MOVE YOUR OLD POSTS OVER. As you might know, I have tried this a couple of times and royally hosed my blog both times.
The last time (about a week ago) I had to completely reinstall MT (No, it doesn't get any easier.)
Nice to see a picture of you. I didn't realize that you were just a kid. I thought college professors were required to have beards and wear pony tails. I guess that isn't true of tax lawyers though. (oops, sorry. I called you a name again.)
Posted by John Dunshee | August 13, 2003 1:00 AM
John: Thanks for the great commennts. I have a technical MT issue that I want to chat with you about "off-blog." Please shoot me an e-mail at jackbogsblog@comcast.net so that I can respond to it.
"Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be tax lawyers..."
Posted by Jack Bog | August 13, 2003 3:13 AM