
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 9, 2008 10:55 PM. The previous post in this blog was Bush family selects retirement locale. The next post in this blog is School board to city: Waaaaaahh. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, June 9, 2008

On the day New Orleans died

... where was John McCain?

Somewhere he now wishes he wasn't.

This was intended as dark humor, but sadly, it wasn't far from the truth.

Comments (13)

Meanwhile Obama visits flood ravaged Iowa tomorrow. Quite the contrast, no?

Iowa does not need Obama to show up for a Photo Shoot. They can take care of the problem themself's. New Orleans will alway's have it's hand out, that was the sad part.

When he was sleeping with them, Senator John was a Republican darling for the hard left. What happened?

This makes a nice bit of packaging, but would you really expect a senator from Arizona to drop everything and head off to New Orleans?

No, but he might have been smart enough to tell the genius standing next to him, "Hey, I don't need a birthday cake, and you ought to be dealing with some serious stuff going on at your job."

So now we're blaming McCain for Katrina? Bad enough they tried to pin the poor performance of the Nagan and Blanco on Bush. Now they want to tie it to McCain somehow. Gee...no strech there.

OT - gotta love McCain's new response to the ludicrous 'Bush's third term' meme. Says Obama is running for Carter's second term.

"Let them eat cake."

Funny if it weren't so true.

Says Obama is running for Carter's second term

Bush 43 is finishing up Carter's third term. Nice try though.

"Bush 43 is finishing up Carter's third term."

You're right....I'm too young to remember Carter's legacy of lower taxes and agressive foreign policy. My bad.

That birthday cake was washed down with a carton of cold milk that had New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin's picture on it.

Ah, sounds like the conservatives are still repeating the same talking points to blame Blanco and Nagin ad nauseum... straight from the Rove spin machine that went into high gear the minute Katrina made landfall.

Don't you guys ever get tired of your own echo chamber?

And it sounds like the liberals are still trying to put the majority of the blame where it isn't due. Not saying Bush and FEMA weren't responsible, but Nagin and Blanco were far more so.

"The Saturday before the storm, Max Mayfield, director of the National Hurricane Center, called the mayor personally to emphasize just how serious the threat was. "This was only the second time I called a politician in my life," Mayfield tells TIME. "I wanted to be able to go to sleep knowing I had done everything I could do."

"On Sunday morning, less than 24 hours before the hurricane's landfall, Nagin finally called for a mandatory evacuation."

Pretty much sums up who blew it.


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