
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 9, 2008 10:32 PM. The previous post in this blog was Who cares? It's just some dumb memorial. The next post in this blog is On the day New Orleans died. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, June 9, 2008

Bush family selects retirement locale

It appears they're going to sell the Crawford ranch and settle down here.

Comments (5)

You really had me going with that one! Thankfully it's not true. I wouldn't want the Chimp to live anywhere near the Pacific Northwest - it would lower our property values.

Just for you Jack - it appears that not only has Bush found a place to retire to, he's also found something to bide his time:


Tops! Great funny stuff. My best smiles in a week. You 'had me going' too.

Sorry to unrain Down Under the parade, but seriously folks, farookinfunvolks, we ain't out of the woods until the Chimp family is rounded up, Geronimo's skull and bones are laid to rest, and all the neo-con apers are in their zoo cage ... don't let 'them' get away ....

Like they were going to stay in the Crawford Ranch in the first place. At least Reagan had the decency to have bought his ranch long before he ran for the Presidency, much less actually made any plans to live there afterwards. That's why Bush is moving up to his old house in Highland Park (which is to Dallas what Beverly Hills is to Los Angeles) to be closer to his precious Presidential Library at Southern Methodist University: you can't get coke dealers to show up in Crawford, and you can't throw a rock around SMU, particularly near the journalism department, without it hitting some horsefaced SMU brat who'll get him set up.

Did anyone else spend too much time watching c-span last night? Dennis Kucinich presented 35 articles of impeachment against Bush into the Congressional Record. Good stuff. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/06/09/politics/politico/thecrypt/main4167427.shtml

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