
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 9, 2008 11:24 AM. The previous post in this blog was Labor beef affecting other beef. The next post in this blog is Who cares? It's just some dumb memorial. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, June 9, 2008

He was there -- so we didn't have to be

We missed the Grand Floral Parade because we were out of town.

But come to think of it, we always miss the Grand Floral Parade. On purpose. Even when we're in town.

Have no fear, though -- Brandon the blogger was there, and his live reports are all available for our reading pleasure:

This state has entirely too many rodeo queens. I pretty sure Oregon has more rodeo queens per-capita than any other state in the union.
"The whole thing," as they say, is archived in wonderful detail on his site, Another Portland Blog.

Comments (4)

Thanks for the link(s) and sorry for all the typos in those posts. Live-blogging and fatigue aren't a good mix. As for the rodeo queens, seriously, this state has at least a million. I'm guessing the parade would have been half as long without them. They. Just. Kept. Coming. Salem may have even snuck two of them in there.

I watched (part of) it on the teevee. Some of those rodeo queens were HOT. Others not so much.

Maybe some of them were from out of state?

I heard Randy Leonard on KPAM radio this morning talking about the first "No Duct Tape & Chained Chair" Rose Festival Parade in a very long time. And according to him, it looks like parade attendance was way down from recent years. I suppose the crappy weather didn't help matters much either. Anyone want to bet the Rose Festival folks didn't make much money this year?

I checked out the parade for the first time this year. I liked it. My kid liked it. Who's complaining about rodeo queens? The more the merrier.

My two cents is that the whole event is too long. 10 days or something? Why not make it three or four days?

The Rose Festival is a classic Portland/Oregon tradition. I'm all for it. If you don't like it, there are flights back to California leaving hourly.

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