She raqs

There's a new Miss Oregon, she knows how to belly dance, and to our knowledge she hasn't been Miss Anything down in California lately. Her name is Danijela Krstic, she is 24, and her official title before the statewide "scholarship pageant" was Miss Tri Valley.
I have no idea where that is. Tigard, maybe? The first story on the contest results says she lives in Portland.
She was Miss Klamath County in 2006. She also ran unsuccessfully for Miss Portland 2008, which raises the question, How many pageants can you enter in a given year?
But you know, after last year's experience, I think I'll let somebody else raise any questions this year. Congratulations to Ms. Krstic.
Comments (12)
The Miss Tri-Valley Pageant is unique to Oregon in that it is Oregon's only "open" pageant. An open pageant is one open to anyone who lives in Oregon, regardless of which county they live or work in. There are open pageants all over the United States, and some states have several open pageants.
It has become an important pageant for contestants who were not chosen to be their local titleholder, and yet still want another shot at the Miss Oregon title. Or, for contestants who are not eligible to run in their local pageant because they are currently holding that local title...It is often lovingly referred to as Oregon's "Last Chance Pageant", and it is always the last pageant date in Oregon.
The Miss America Organization has always been about granting opportunities for as many women in America as possible to help further their education. There are specific rules and regulations that are specifically dictated and strictly adhered to.
I don't expect you to understand the intricacies, but I could go into detail if you wish.
The Miss Tri-Valley Pageant is always the most competitive pageant in the state, and is almost like a playoff game.
The Miss Tri-Valley pageant will celebrate it's 25th anniversary next year. In 25 year history, the Miss Tri Valley Pageant has crowned 10 Miss Oregons, several of which went on to place at Miss America....most of these young women would not have had the opportunity without the "last chance" that Miss Tri-Valley affords.
The name refers to the three valleys that span the 1-5 corridor: The Willamette, The Umpqua and the Rogue Valleys.
just thought you'd like to know.
Posted by Former Miss | June 29, 2008 8:03 PM
There are specific rules and regulations that are specifically dictated and strictly adhered to.
I don't expect you to understand the intricacies, but I could go into detail if you wish.
We got into the rules last year with Miss Covina. "Strictly adhered to," my eye.
Posted by Jack Bog | June 29, 2008 9:13 PM
Strictly adhered to
Oh, they're strictly adhered to. The problem is what makes a Miss Oregon according to the average person and what makes a Miss Oregon according to "the rules" are two completely different things. Just another reason the pageant will be broadcast on The Learning Channel this year instead of network television.
Posted by Chris Snethen | June 29, 2008 11:02 PM
I came away pretty well convinced that either the rules in Covina, California were not adhered to in 2006, or the rules in Portland, Oregon were not adhered to in 2007.
Posted by Jack Bog | June 29, 2008 11:06 PM
Perhaps. But the fact that neither state seemed to care much one way or the other speaks volumes about what this whole pageant thing is about. There's a whole industry out there that you and I will never be privy to. And the more they try to explain it (the "last chance" of Miss Tri-Valley is priceless), the wackier the whole thing looks.
Posted by Chris Snethen | June 30, 2008 5:48 AM
So just becaue neither of you understand the rules or regulations means it's not worthwhile? I would expect that someone who teaches law at Lewis and Clark college, like "Jack" would be a little more open-minded. However, it seems you both are just interested in being close-minded and elitist, which in my own opinion is just plain odd!
Posted by MOF | June 30, 2008 12:33 PM
We were at the pageant this year when Danjiella won. Personally, I think they got it wrong. I am sure Danjiella is nice, but when she spoke on stage, it sounded like broken english (unless the mic was messed up). Her talent was glitzy and she is a great belly dancer- but is that a winning talent? I personally thought other girls would have been a much beter fit, however I congratulate her and I hope she represents our state well.
Posted by Randy | June 30, 2008 1:01 PM
I have to agree with you Randy. I was there as well, while I'm sure Danjella Krstic is a lovely girl, I have to admit I was a bit shocked at the outcome.
Forget the Miss Covina issue of last year... does the newly crowned Miss Oregon even have a chance if she can't speak proper English and has an accept more in line with Miss Eastern Europe then Miss America?
Also, I found it a bit concerning that when one pageant judge was unable to attend, they pulled from someone within the Seaside/Oregon Coast Community to be a judge. Someone without pageant experience chosen for convenience.
And the belly dancing as a talent...while entertaining... was a bit provocative to say the least.
With Miss Oregon performing at different local charity she really going to bust out into a belly dance to entertain people? They surely won't be able to understand when she speaks.
Posted by Julie | June 30, 2008 2:31 PM
just because neither of you understand the rules or regulations
I understand them well enough to know that last year's Miss Oregon had some serious issues with eligibility. But as I say, that was last year, and we're not going back there. If you weren't here, you missed it.
Posted by Jack Bog | June 30, 2008 2:42 PM
We don't have belly dancing here in New Jersey. See if she wants to work at the Bada Bing...
Posted by brother gary | July 1, 2008 7:47 AM
Miss Tri-Valley/Miss Emerald Valley was not the only open this year. There's also Miss Three Rivers/Miss Cascade (held in Oregon City) and Miss West Coast (held with Miss Portland/Multnomah County.) The Miss America Organization requires that each of us contestants raise $100 for the Children's Miracle Network for each local that we want to compete in. Some programs give away more than one crown. For me, I am allowed to compete in 4 pageants (2 closed, 2 open) as long as I raise enough money. In those 4 programs I have a shot at a total of at least 8 crowns. I go to school in one county and have my apartment down there, but when I'm not at school I live with my parents in another area. Depending on how much money I raise, and what the time commitments are I can participate in all of them. Some girls have one parent in one area, one parent in another, and go to school in another so they can compete in way more. If a contestant competes in more than 4 pageants she only has to raise $400 total for CMN to compete in all of them.
I think it's great to be able to compete in more than one program, because that means more chances at scholarship money. I need all the help I can get, I have all but $2000 in loans. Since you don't understand it, why don't you volunteer to help out at your local program then maybe that will help you understand what's going on, and how important programs like that are to us girls.
Posted by notyourstereotypicalpageantgirl | July 3, 2008 12:07 AM
Since you don't understand it,
I think you just flunked the charm portion of the contest.
Posted by Jack Bog | July 3, 2008 1:06 AM