
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 15, 2008 12:01 PM. The previous post in this blog was A complex soul laid bare. The next post in this blog is Confession. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Second Portland police killing in 36 hours

Down in Felony Flats.

Comments (11)

So "Felony Flats" has been moved from its traditional location on the southern Portland border near SE 52nd Ave and Flavel (the so-called Brentwood-Darlington neighborhood)? Or is anything east of say, 39th Avenue too scary for "real" Portlanders to visit?

As an 18 year resident of S.E. Portland, the way I understand the rough boundaries of "Felony Flats" is S.E. 52nd to the west, Foster to the north, I-205 to the east and the Clackamas County line to the south. The portion between Woodstock and Foster is more gentrified and people tend to own their own homes, etc., so it may not be accurate to describe that area in such a negative light. Many of the streets in the southern portion have no sidewalks or pavement and lots of people are in poverty. The area out by 127th and Holgate really isn't in the Felony Flats area, but it does tend to be inhabited by lower income blue collar folks. In my opinion there is nothing unsafe or scary about any of these areas.

thanks Kevin. I live in the Flats and thought it stopped at 205 as well. I love the Flats so far. And no part of this city is free from gun-related crime.

"Felony Flats" is really not that bad of a neighborhood, certainly no worse "crime-wise" than many other neighborhoods in the city. I drive through there a lot, and it doesn't seem to be a particularly scary place.

Portland has no real ghetto.

The post was unintentionally ambiguous. Only the second shooting was in FF; the first was up on Glisan.

Anywhere north or east of Lake Oswego is a ghetto.

Dang. Robert King is going to be bummed that this guy killed himself.

haven't you all heard yet? this is part of
PPB's new recruitment initiative with new
flashy posters that say:


who are they targeting for recruitment you

How about: guys like Scott McCollister, Leo
Besner, Jason Sery, Christopher Humphreys,
Kyle Nice, Robert King and C. W. Jensen--all
are or were PPB Officers that killed, then
got away with it and kept their jobs.

Got away with it? I'm speechless right now....

Anything east of 82nd doesn't count.

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