
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 15, 2008 11:43 AM. The previous post in this blog was Bad trip. The next post in this blog is Second Portland police killing in 36 hours. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, May 15, 2008

A complex soul laid bare

I may be the last person in Portland to discover this, but in case I'm not, you may want to spend some quality time with it:

Comments (16)

This can't be real! Wow, WW really can do wonders with digital imaging.
What? You mean it is real?

Randy was so good it made me uncomfortable. In fact, we're going to start a two-man show: "The Commish and Me."

I always knew Randy was in the wrong business, I just was never sure what the right business was for him until now. This is absolutely one of the best comedic acting jobs I've seen in a long time.

I shared this with a friend who didn't know Randy and he wasn't sure whether it was real or not. That is the ultimate compliment for this kind of performance.

Absolutely hilarious.

Randy, you have my vote! Oh wait, you're not running. Next time Randy! Next time!

I love this so much it hurts.

All I see is a little red X in an empty box. I'm missing out.

Sorry. It's a link to:


OMFG--this is an amazing interview!! Good stuff.

Yea, he did a really good job in playing along. Usually they cut the raw video up and replace the questions to make the videos funny. They didn't even have to try with this one.

Jack, you're not the last person to discover it, as I hadn't seen it until you posted it here.

If this were running on TV, Portlanders would write in Randy Leonard for mayor.

"If this were running on TV, Portlanders would write in Randy Leonard for mayor."

Well I for one don't get Randy's shtick.

I saw that a couple weeks ago and didn't get his shtick it then. Now that he's getting all this praise for it I still don't.

My only guess is it's Randy's way of being a homophobe while causing people to think he couldn't possibly be. Could be mroe slick than shtick.

His supporting role with Sam at Candidates Gone Wild left pretty much all of his dignity at the stage steps.

Oh that Randy.

Randy's keeping Portland a town where it's safe to be weird.

Hilarious. The Amanda Fritz impression was way too funny.

It was a definite highlight.

With a 5 year old computer this video doesn't run. It just stutters. Print is so much more efficient, backed up by a few photos.

And the mayor in Hermiston was recalled for baring her underware? Leonard is a great actor, but it made me very uncomfortable for an elected official to be acting this way.

hum my email log shows that I sent you a link to this Thursday, May 01, 2008 10:49 AM...

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