Portland City Council candidate Amanda Fritz has a TV ad out, and who's that making a cameo appearance?

I hope Amanda's paying him union wage.
Portland City Council candidate Amanda Fritz has a TV ad out, and who's that making a cameo appearance?
I hope Amanda's paying him union wage.
Comments (23)
Dave Lister?
Posted by Audrey | April 24, 2008 7:28 AM
I wonder what that's all about. It'd be really great if they worked together to stop this CoP spending, but I may be dreaming.
Posted by Joey Link | April 24, 2008 7:38 AM
No money. Just a bottle of scotch.
Posted by Dave Lister | April 24, 2008 8:09 AM
Actually, I'm kidding. I have been happy to endorse and help Amanda. She has the fiscal values I espoused two years ago and the progressive values that make her electable. As an "R", I didn't stand a chance.
You and I will just have to disagree on this one, Jack.
Posted by Dave Lister | April 24, 2008 8:15 AM
Dave, thank you for speaking "realitize".
Posted by Jerry | April 24, 2008 10:09 AM
What'll you do for TWO bottles of scotch, Dave?
I'm bummed.
Posted by cc | April 24, 2008 12:32 PM
For two bottles I'll paint your house.
Posted by Dave Lister | April 24, 2008 12:52 PM
Hey, this is off topic, but that guy Wes running for Multnomah county commissioner, on the sidebar ad... is it just me or doesn't he bear an uncanny resemblance to Des Connell, the former DA turned defense attorney?
Posted by Dave Lister | April 24, 2008 12:57 PM
Hey, this is off topic...
Yes, it is.
Does that include pressure-washing, making and cleanup, Judas?
Posted by cc | April 24, 2008 1:23 PM
I don't see the Judas connection. I endorsed Amanda when she declared for this race. I gave her her first or second five dollar contribution for her funding in this race. I have never supported any other candidate in this race.
If your definition of a Judas is that I disagree with Jack Bog's endorsement in this race, then I am a Judas. But my definition of a Judas is someone who betrays another, and I definitely have not done that.
Or perhaps you are that crazy retired attorney who lives in Amanda's neighborhood and has a grudge over some neighborhood issue?
Posted by Dave Lister | April 24, 2008 1:36 PM
Dear Dave,
I'm NOT voting for Amanda even if YOU say so. But I still love ya.
Posted by Victoria Taft 5-8pm KPAM 860 | April 24, 2008 1:50 PM
Thanks Vic. I love you too. Who are you supporting in that race?
Posted by Dave Lister | April 24, 2008 2:02 PM
Dear Dave,
All politics is local. Neighborhoods are as local as they get. You've betrayed my image of you. That's MY problem - not yours. That, and my peeling house paint.
Posted by cc | April 24, 2008 2:03 PM
I hope Amanda's paying him union wage.
Posted by cc | April 24, 2008 2:07 PM
I think Dave is right with this one. Although she's not nearly as conservative as I'd like, she's our best option. She's a great person, and I truly believe she'll do great things for Portland. If you know Amanda, you know she's not afraid to *publicly* speak her mind. We need someone who's going to stand up to the rest of the council and special interests.
Posted by Joey Link | April 24, 2008 4:01 PM
She's a great person, and I truly believe she'll do great things for Portland. If you know Amanda, you know she's not afraid to *publicly* speak her mind. We need someone who's going to stand up to the rest of the council and special interests.
This is equally true of Charles Lewis, but he lives on an unpaved street on the east side to boot. He also works in North Portland with real people.
Posted by Jack Bog | April 24, 2008 4:06 PM
This is equally true of Charles Lewis, but he lives on an unpaved street on the east side to boot. He also works in North Portland with real people.
With the obvious exception of Fireman Randy (an anomalous Lents resident - full of faux pride in his "roots"), we need fewer, not more, West Hills gits on council. offense.
Posted by cc | April 24, 2008 4:53 PM
Interestingly, of the current council, only Saltzman lives on the west side. Randy and Sam simply vote as if they did.
Posted by Jack Bog | April 24, 2008 4:57 PM
Dear Dave,
I'm NOT voting for Amanda even if YOU say so. But I still love ya.
Dear Victoria,
I'm still not listening to you, even if you come to your senses and support Obama. But, I still don't love ya.
P.S. Quit the shameless plug of your show in every blog comment you make.
Posted by MarkDaMan | April 24, 2008 9:48 PM
Am I the only one who thinks Commissioner Fritz looks hot in purple?
I'll bet you Hillary couldn't wear purple like that.
//Not the only reason I'm voting for her.
///I'm part of the SW Crips Gang too.
Posted by Mister Tee | April 24, 2008 11:09 PM
Dear MarkDaMan,
Why would it be "coming to her senses" for conservative Taft to support Obama? He's the most liberal Senator in the US Senate.
P.S. Why the cowardly dig on Taft on a blog when you can call her directly on the air? 503-225-0860 Her excellent show takes Sam and the city to task on a regular basis. Very much like bojack.
Are you a city employee defending the status quo?
Posted by Steve | April 25, 2008 9:44 AM
Interestingly, of the current council, only Saltzman lives on the west side.
Dismayingly, I knew that - on some level; just not the one I was at yesterday afternoon. Today's a new day, I'm sober, and Sten's still gone.
I'll drink to that!
Posted by cc | April 25, 2008 11:20 AM
Dear MarkDaMan,
Why would it be "coming to her senses" for conservative Taft to support Obama? He's the most liberal Senator in the US Senate.
P.S. Why the cowardly dig on Taft on a blog when you can call her directly on the air? 503-225-0860 Her excellent show takes Sam and the city to task on a regular basis. Very much like bojack.
Are you a city employee defending the status quo?
Darn Steve, you've exposed me for the city employee I am. In fact, I even work in the planning department...Hell no!
I got a real job.
And, I don't plan on calling the Taft show any more than I have a desire to call Limbaugh. Don't listen to their shows, don't want to. Should I call up Limbaugh every time I make an online comment about him too?
Or how about you Steve? Seems we go round and round on local blogs. Why don't you give me your number so I discuss things with you, like a man.
Posted by MarkDaMan | April 25, 2008 6:56 PM