
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 6, 2008 4:41 PM. The previous post in this blog was Intermission. The next post in this blog is New feature at PDX. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, April 6, 2008

Another Hillary casualty

From one of the most screwed up campaigns that money can buy. That she continues to portray herself as well organized, experienced, and ready to run the country from Day One is amusing.

And the guy she fired? Lost his job because he couldn't be satisfied with just regular money -- he had to keep going for ever bigger bucks as a hotshot wheeler-dealer. Another Clinton hallmark.

Meanwhile, a reader of this blog posts an interesting, and dead-on accurate, assessment of the Bill Clinton speech fees:

Suppose that you are a business that wants to get Hillary to vote a certain way in the Senate. You give Bill a "speaking fee" of $250,000, and you get the vote. Voila!

Comments (14)

Bad day: He gets replaced by the Clinton campaign, although - according to one of her aides - he'll still provide "polling and advice as part of the team."
Bad week: The Columbian clients have also fired him.
Bad Year: One of his other clients was Countrywide Financial.
No wonder he makes the big bucks. This guy is nothing but finesse.

Adios, HC. Turns out the nation doesn't owe you the White House.

Don't say adios. She's so dedicated to the people of New York State, I'm sure she'll spend another decade or two working tirelessly on their behalf.

In a terse statement, Maggie Williams, Mrs. Clinton’s campaign manager, said, “After the events of the last few days, Mark Penn has asked to give up his role as chief strategist of the Clinton campaign.”

Hillary and her people just can't seem to tell the truth about even the tiniest details.

This is a disturbing and timely reminder of all the people in the 90s that the Clintons threw under the bus when the press got bad enough. The Clintons and the people in their inner circle have no integrity and this unseemly episode proves nothing has changed.

her people just can't seem to tell the truth

At least you know when she's/they're lying.

Yeah, not exactly fired.

"After the events of the last few days, Mark Penn has asked to give up his role as Chief Strategist of the Clinton Campaign; Mark, and Penn, Schoen and Berland Associates, Inc. will continue to provide polling and advice to the campaign."

Fired enough.

The key to successfully interpreting any further advice from Mr. Penn and his group will be for the campaign to take exactly the opposite action than advised.

Hillary's denying Mark Penn was demoted. She's now saying he was killed by sniper fire in Bosnia.

OBAMA needs to run two campaign ad's. The first one of HC and Penn with a voice and print overlay of Countrywide Financial, its corruoption and Penn's role in the campaign at the same time he is representing Countrywide.

The second a clip of HC on free trade agreements, a picture of her and Penn and a print over of Penn's role in the Columbia free trade agreement and the campaign at the same time

Bill McDonald- You made me giggle.

I am sure some clever person could make a Youtube out of mroc's idea...it's actually appalling that anyone would EVEN think of voting for her.

Speaking of the devil, HRC just opened a campaign office in the corner of the Pittock Block (10th and Washington)-- used to be "Hybrid Trading" or something like that...

Penn should just be happy he only got "fired". People like Ron Brown got the ultimate punishment for their disloyalty to Bill and Hillary.

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