
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 27, 2008 6:18 PM. The previous post in this blog was Make room on the shelf for the Oscars. The next post in this blog is Is one enough?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Why CBS will not survive much longer

Why are we watching a blowout when there's another close game in progress? Plus, Dick Enberg -- please, guys, take him up to the Hollywood sign and push him off!

UPDATE, 6:27 p.m.: Actually, I see you can pick which game you want to see here.

UPDATE, 6:52 p.m.: That is, if you can get the viewer to run. My computer doesn't like it at all. To make matters worse, the TV broadcast left out about 30 seconds of the overtime period when the CBS software erroneously cut to a commercial.

UPDATE, 10:29 p.m.: On a better computer the player worked fine. Now if we could just get announcers who weren't in love with the top seeds...

Comments (11)

I think Ensberg told the makeup people to make him orange before the game.

No argument here.One more OH MY!from Enberg, and I think I will hurl.
Also If you were fortunate enough to have Comcast digital, you were able to watch the very tight Xavier game on channel 306 (CBS 2)

Good to know. We do have Comcast digital, but it's hooked up to the big TV in the house, where I'm outvoted 3 to 1.

I'm no Enberg fan, but to wish death on him is really disgusting. I can't stand Dick Vitale, especially when he says 'baby' 8 million times in 5 minutes, not to mention his non-stop sucking up to Bob Knight... but I don't wish him to die.

Yeah--the commercial-instead-of-overtime move was smooth...

I'm fine with the Pac-10 game being the default, but with UNC dominating WSU, it seems the fans of Portland would forgive a switch to Xavier/WVU.

It seemed to me like there was a technical snafu that resulted in dead air. And the answer to that, of course, is a commercial.

Kinda like the one on Saturday Night Live when Ashlee Simpson pretended to sing while her CD was making the sound.

BTW, I switched to something else when UCLA was leading by 30 points. Now I am back and I see the lead has lessened considerably. What happened?

UCLA looks very vulnerable.

It would be kind of fun to have ex-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger call one of the games. You could have Dennis Miller add the color. Or maybe the actor named Buck in the movie "Best in Show," could be another broadcaster. I miss campy old Howard Cosell.

Apologies to Mr. Enberg. I do not literally want him to die. If they could just cut out his tongue and drop it from the Hollywood sign, that would suffice.

There was a great moment on the ESPN wrap-up tonight. Steve Lavin had the balls to call Dick Vitale an ACC homer to his face. Dickie V took immediate exception and spent the next 20 seconds screaming himself hoarse about the Big Ten and how much he loved the Midwest. Whoever the anchor was had to finally call a timeout because Vitale was incoherent and Lavin couldn't get a word in edgewise. Classic ESPN.

Well gee Jack, why stop at cutting out his tongue? Just send him to Guantanamo, then maybe you could find something positive to write about on the war on terror for once. After all, it's much more important to torture a sports announcer than someone who wants to blow up planes or detonate a dirty nuke.

Yes, Vitale might be a bit of an ACC homer, but he also is one of the few people who keeps the game of college basketball fun and interesting.

I'd take him over Dick Enberg any day. I also loved when he was paired up an obviously uncomfortable Brent Musberger on ABC broadcasts. "Can you believe that, Mr. Musberger?!!!"

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