
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 12, 2007 2:47 PM. The previous post in this blog was 3 R's on the www. The next post in this blog is Hans Frank wasn't available. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

More on those $167 keyboard trays

A while back we wrote that the City of Portland was going into the market for keyboard trays for employees' workstations. The estimated cost was $167 each, which I thought was a lot but readers assured me was a bargain.

Now the city has abruptly changed part of its bid solicitation. Rather than seeking a bid on an "annual supply" of 600, now it says it simply wants a "price agreement" with a vendor. Bids, originally due tomorrow, are now due a week from tomorrow.

Once again, a highly fishy smell rises from the old city procurement process. John Kroger: When you get in, be sure to send somebody up to take a look.

Comments (11)

I *think* the price agreement (versus an annual supply contract) removes the obligation for a minimum number of items to be purchased.

From City Code 5.33.010 Definitions:

41. Price Agreement: A Contract for the Procurement of Goods or Services at a set price with:
a. No guarantee of a minimum or maximum purchase; or

b. An initial order or minimum purchase combined with a continuing Contractor obligation to provide Goods or Services, in which the City or other contracting agency does not guarantee a minimum or maximum additional purchase.

Maybe somebody decided they didn't need $100,000 worth right now.

Hey Jack:

If you were to start this city in the right direction... IE "The Basics" of goverment, how would you do it?

Would you as Mayor say to Homer Williams, "Not today, got to check on Sam, and see if he filled the potholes out in Lents!"

Would you tell Randy he has better things to do beside worry about tape on the sidewalk during "Rose Festival?".

Can a mayor in this city ever get elected by running on such a platform?

"The Basics" of goverment!"

Please....ANYONE, is the city lost?

Can anyone run for office and run on a platform of sticking to the basics, that being a focus on the water/fire/cops/sewer/streets, and leave all the BS, we have posted and talked about, or as here, or Lars, or anywhere..is it just so out of control, all we can do it talk.

I tried once to get city halls attention...I failed.

My question to Jack's very well written fans...."Can we elect just one person who would stick to the basics, or is it a lost cause?

Quoting 'LIARS' and 'lost cause' in the same comment. Nuff said.

Quoting 'LIARS' and 'lost cause' in the same comment. Nuff said.

AHH DAMN, I just got let back on here.

PLEASE...just answer the question.

The basics of goverment..PLEASE.

Jack I am astounded that you are saying the work safety and comfort of human beings is worth less than $167 and that government employees should work in pain to satisfy your sense of frugality.


I never said that. Or even implied that. And if I did, as I say, readers have corrected me.

I will tell you that I have no such trays on any of the three computers on which I work and play, and I have no injuries after decades of computer use.

Chair height is a big thing. For years, I had my chairs at the wrong height, and I developed some serious shoulder and neck problems until I straightened that out. So I'm no stranger to the importance of office ergonomics. Too many people ignore them.

Having said all that, I'm sure that if someone carefully examined the procurement practices of the City of Portland, one would find some, as they say, areas that could be improved.

average desk height-- 30"
optimal keyboard height to help avoid injury and costly work comp claims -- 22-27"+-
cost for a decent keyboard tray -- $150-$200

Sorry Jack, blowing the wrong horn on this one. In my work as an IT guy, I see lots of folks injured from poorly designed workspaces. $167 worth of prevention will save the city a bucket of money over the long run, not to mention that protecting workers is the right thing to do

We could actually solve two pressing public sector problems here by buying a bunch of 22 inch high desks, then hiring a bunch of little people to sit at them and type. Voila!

Just amazing that there isn't an answer to taking action against more stupid things done here....just TALK!

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