
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 17, 2007 11:43 PM. The previous post in this blog was The $167 keyboard tray saga continues. The next post in this blog is Welcome to Buck-a-Hit Day. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, December 17, 2007

Eight in a row for the Blazers

This defies credulity, but let's go with the flow. The next victim is Toronto, who will be here on Wednesday. LaMarcus wasn't on the floor tonight, but they say he'll get some p.t. then.

I definitely screwed up when I prematurely pronounced the Blazers dead for another year. But at least I got this right.

Comments (3)

Don't you worry, Jack. There's plenty of room on the bandwagon. So jump on!

Got a chance to see the game on some firm tickets. One row behind floor level seats about six seats away from Paul Allen under the basket.

It was a spectacular performance. B-Roy, who was double and triple teamed (and held to 4 points) in the first half, had a breakout second half and finished with 24, including a 3-pointer at the buzzer to send the crowd into a tizzy.

That was a pretty good mock draft, bet your glad you saved that entry for posterity.

Most of us we're all over Roy over Morrison, but calling Aldridge is a real coup for you.

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