
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 20, 2007 5:33 PM. The previous post in this blog was Where to go if you're extremely horny. The next post in this blog is Quotation of the (Working) Day. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Ted and Fred

Not that readers of this blog haven't already figured out what's going on, but all in all, here's just another brick in the wall.

Comments (2)

I'm glad Steve has now gotten involved with Super K's prevarications and abuse of power.Now only is Kulongoski not bright, but he is such a lying hypocrite. As the drum beat gets louder there will not be anyplace for these clowns to hide.

The DOJ is looking into Bernie's trip to Seattle (using a state vehicle for personal trips outside the metro PDX area). It is amazing where investigations lead to, once they are started.

So now we have the state Bar investigating Lar's complaint against Ted K and his aledged false statements. Maybe they won't be able to prove the exact details of the behind the couch chat that Fred and Ted had, but what else will they find out about Ted? But many times people who tell false statements to the press, also feel comfortable doing other unethical things. What other things will we find out about Ted?

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