
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 15, 2007 10:49 AM. The previous post in this blog was Chavez soap opera continues. The next post in this blog is PDC 86's public market bid for fed building. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Small business tip of the day

If you are a business located on Fourth Avenue in downtown Portland, don't say anything negative about this. Because if you do, you are a racist.

I still like the idea of Malcolm X Drive on Council Crest.

Comments (6)

For some reason no one wants to comment.

My Mom had to pick tomatoes in the Central Valley just to get piecemeal pay to help put food on the table, even while having to take periodic breaks to feed baby me. Does that make us Latino . . . and her Latina? The older kids tagged along too, picking tomatoes, as best as I understand.

It still strikes me as odd why a Mom[/Parent] and kids can't make a day of picking some strawberries, for market.

Point taken. When a Mean Girl pulls out the race card, sanity and good intentions fly out the window. Been there done that. Bye Bye.

Black Panther Blvd for Westmoreland.


If it's going to run past City Hall, I think Che Guevara or Daniel Ortega would be more appropriate namesakes. Then 5th Avenue could be named for Fidel Castro (who is likely to be passing away soon). We could be the only city in the country with a Saks Fifth Avenue on Fidel Castro Blvd. Irony!

Instead of renaming the whole street, why not a "Goldschmidt Gully" on the portion between City Hall and the Courthouse. Then each successive block could be named for city commissioner (in Alphabetical order, of course, starting with Sam Adams).

Honestly, I think Cesar Chavez Avenue belongs in Sacramento or Fresno rather than PDX.

That stupid city is going even faster downhill than when I left! I am so glad I moved to Salem where such asinine things never happen.

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