
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 25, 2007 11:08 AM. The previous post in this blog was Must be nice. The next post in this blog is A fun ride to the Poor Farm. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

More changes afoot

City of Portland officials announced today another street renaming project to go along with its recent establishment of Rosa Parks Way where Portland Boulevard used to be, and the pending change of Interstate Avenue to Cesar Chavez. In a move designed to celebrate further the city's ethnic diversity, the city is planning to redesignate SW Fairmount Boulevard on Council Crest as SW Malcolm X Drive, in honor of the fallen civil rights leader, who was assassinated in 1965. The name change will be taken up by the City Council at its meeting tomorrow.

"This is a great opportunity to honor a courageous American who gave his life in the cause of racial equality," said City Commissioner Dan Saltzman, who has spearheaded similar drives on the east side of the Willamette River. "It's important that wherever in the city we live, we keep in mind that all human beings deserve to be treated equally."

Flanked by County Commissioner Jeff Cogen, Saltzman also announced the opening of a new methadone clinic on nearby SW Patton Road. The clinic will service 200 recovering heroin addicts, with plans to expand to an eventual patient population of 500. "We know that people will be a little nervous about the clinic," said Cogen, "but after a while, they'll hardly notice it. And in the end, we know the people in the West Hills will be glad that they opened their hearts to the less fortunate among us."

Comments (13)

They should redesignate SW Humphrey Blvd. as "OJ Avenue" while they're at it.

Just right for a low speed chase.

Funnily enough, there was an effort to name Killingsworth for Malcolm X about a year and a half ago. Except the guy—or group—who wanted to do it went through the actual process to do it, instead of heading straight to the city council.

From his MySpace:

The Portland Department of Transportation shut us down before we could get things rolling. According to the Dep. of transportation one cannot change a street name if it is changed after a historical figure. William Killingsworth was a well known real estate agent during the late 19th century and was also involved in the Oregon State Legislature. I was very well aware of that as a possibility and knew that would be the greatest road block in the movement. What I didn't fully realize was how the department of transportation took its time to find ways to dissuade me from perusing this goal. While I turned in all required parts of the initial application, (biographical info, map of the street, and main application form) it took well over 3 weeks for them to finally say no. In the mean time I was given story after story as to why the Dep. of transportation could not process my application. They had to go through lawyers, auditors, talk about the financial costs and read up on policies as if they didn't know all of the requirements. At the same time they are doing this they approved the changing of Portland Blvd to Rosa Parks Ave."

Surely you remember the Malcom X Blvd signage prank from the early 1990's? That was bloody brilliant.

City of Portland Commissioner Sam Adams announced today that as Transportation Commissioner he will be advocating the relocation of the proposed Milwaukie Light Rail Crossing of the Willamette to be relocated farther south from the Caruthers St. crossing.

The move is designed to bring more transit service and it's subsidiary affects to the geographic center of the North Macadam's urban renewal area and not just to the northern boundaries. He stated: "The crime and congestion increases caused by light rail should be equally distributed throughout the city for diversity reasons."

The present and future condo owners and OHSU and their doctor groups will probably be questioning this proposal. The South Portland Neighborhood Association which represents the URA hasn't even heard of the relocation proposal that METRO, PDOT, TriMet and the City of Portland has been studying for over six months.

Yeah They Could Name 60th at Burnside for Old Malcom X He would fit right in with The Terrorists out there or maybe The MAX lines could be named for Him As He advocated Violence before The Power Struggle.

Give me a break. What of the cost of signs (a minor issue, I guess), and the historical value of place names? Not to mention the confusion caused by changing the names. I office on Front Avenue, and still have clients ask me where Naito Parkway is. Many of my clients think it is in Beaverton or something. And none of this even begins to address the political correctness stuff that goes along with this. Malcolm X was arguably a divisive force more than a hero in the history of this country. At the least, wouldn't it be more sensible to name new, or previously unnamed public facilities after notable persons we wish to recognize?

I wonder if the folks at the city don't have more pressing issues relating to basic services they could and should be spending time and energy on?

They should have named the new Transit (Bus) mall downtown the Rosa Parks bus mall, and they should name the new Saturday/Farmers market the Cesar Chavez farmers market. Both would have been appropriate.

Let's call Macadam Ave. Sam Schnitzer Way
or Alaska Junk Road. Maybe SoWhat could be "Junque Acres".

When can we have a Neil armstrong street? Oh yeah, he wasn't black. I guess in some deranged minds sitting at the front of the bus is akin to strapping your ass full of explosives and shooting for the moon.

You're naughty, Jack. Clever, but naughty. I have to admit I was taken aback for a good 2.5 minutes, being in my 'hood and all...

sitting at the front of the bus

Ridden the bus lately ? Even in Portland, one of the whitest cities outside of the former Soviet Union, what minority population do you see occupying the rear seats the vast majority of the time ?

Subtleties rarely stick after the Velcro has reached its shelf life. Good one jack

It's amazing what a liberal won't do to promote "diversity". All a person needs to do is take a look at history to see that diversity and multiculturalism always
leads to a great nations downfall. A nations strength lies in it's unity, not diversity.

Do a Google search on Gov. Richard D. Lamm, a Democrat governor of Colorado from 1975 to 1987 and see his view on the subject.

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