
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 27, 2007 4:46 PM. The previous post in this blog was How many bureaucrats does it take to sell out Parks?. The next post in this blog is Another extension for Water Bureau appraisal bid. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Semantics question

Reading the internet lately has got me wondering: What's the difference between an a**clown and an a**hat? Is either of them the equivalent of an a**hole?

Comments (16)

A**hole is a jerk, as you probably already know.

A**clown is an a**hole who makes an a** of himself in a way that can be amusing to observe (in a schadenfreude kind of way).

A**hat is somebody who has their head wedged firmly up their a**. They can be a**holes or a**clowns (or both). (Or neither.)

Hope this helps on the eve of NAWACOTID* #3.

*NAWACOTID.com will launch soon, and will feature a glossary of a** terms, and maybe even a Venn diagram.

"ass" by itself isn't inherently vulgar. Neither is a hat, a clown or a hole. Combined with -hat or -clown, you still don't have a vulgar insult, but instead a rather silly one. Combined with -hole, you have something undeniably different than merely an "ass," and i think most agree it's a term that doesn't belong in civil discourse.

Thanks, but I do think the Venn diagram would be helpful.

I'll send you an e-mail when NAWACOTID.com is launched. We'll be sure to feature the Venn diagram prominently.

You get 5 for the clown, 7 for the hat, and 9 for the hole. On a 10-scale. If you want to get analogic digital about it, whatcha'call yer A-to-D conversion. 10 on the scale is merde, no suffix, simply sneeringly, 'a**.' 1 on the scale is also, 'a**' -- it depends on context.

'At's whatcha'get fer 'wondering.'

Leonard = a**hole
Adams = a**hole
Sten = a**clown
Potter = a**clown
Saltzman = a**hat

Oh, dear -- I guess I should have known that was coming. Can one person be all three? I think Bush might hit the trifecta.

All five commies meet the trifecta concerning the ChavezFiasco.


I feel as if I just stepped into a time warp.

Sometimes, ya gotta call a spade a spade....and a time-warp term perhaps fits best.

Somehow, "socialists" just doesn't fit the bill for this lot as well as "commies" does.

There's even a song.

Synthesize them all and you end up with a dip-sh*t.

My take:

Leonard = a**hole
Adams = a**
Sten = a**wipe
Potter = dumba**
Saltzman = a**clown

I always thought of an asshat as a Toilet... I know that isnt what it is... but like the toilet is like a hat for your ass.

Just like when someone is 'yelling at the big white phone' = throwing up in the toilet.

LOL. Idk.

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