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November 17, 2007 2:49 PM.
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So Hillary's got serious dirt on Obama?.
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Comments (10)
Whoa, I wouldn't want to be the poor schlub out in the field kicking those birds to induce whatever simulated flight they might muster given a life of caged misery. The only satisfaction I can possibly imagine from this "sport" is ending the suffering of the birds. Truly "An American Sportsman" moment. Query, do they remove the goggles before the sacrificial flight begins.
Posted by genop | November 17, 2007 4:52 PM
for a day of controlled bloodletting.
Good grief. Cue the violins....
Posted by Jon | November 17, 2007 6:29 PM
What do you expect from a spineless piece of garbage who received, not ONE, not TWO, not THREE, not FOUR, but yes friends, FIVE deferments to avoid service in Vietnam? Courage? Integrity? Honor? Sanity? And while you may want to "cue the violins" for those birds, the truth is, a Washington County Sheriff's Detective (or Hillsboro Detective...can't remeber which) did extensive research some years back and found most serial killers also have a history of animal abuse. This was revealead at a news conference at The Oregon Humane Society some years ago, attended by the Detective and Clatsop County DA Josh ("quick, get me on camera") Marquis. When Marquis made dismissive comments about this "link" the Detective politely but firmly corrected him as cameras and tape recorders rolled. Marquis backed off. Didn't the guy in the White House used to kill cats or frogs by inserting lit firecrackers inside their bodies when he was a younger man?
Posted by paul | November 18, 2007 9:27 AM
most serial killers also have a history of animal abuse.
So, with all the hunters in the PNW then, we should have literally millions of serial killers living among us, right?
Posted by Jon | November 18, 2007 11:25 AM
Sounds like a PETA person has logged on.
PLEASE yourself. To equate hunting with settIng animals on fire etc., is, well, PETA B.S.
Posted by paul | November 18, 2007 12:21 PM
I find it hard to make the leap between hunting as a general concept (I don't hunt) and animal abuse. Most hunters I know are every day decent hard working people who were raised in families that enjoyed going out into the woods to spend a little vacation time together doing a perfectly legal activity. These people gladly eat any game they manage to kill.
Spending 150K a year to join an all boys club where you literally slaughter hundreds of pen raised animals at a time is sick and wrong. These guys aren't hunters, they're pathetic excuses for human beings. I also find it hard to believe that they actually eat any of the game they kill.
Posted by Usual Kevin | November 18, 2007 12:28 PM
It sounds like he could have had the same experience just by touring a chicken processing plant. And a lot lower cost.
Posted by john rettig | November 18, 2007 7:32 PM
To equate hunting with settIng animals on fire etc., is, well, PETA B.S.
Duh. That was my point. I guess I should have added the "/sarcasm" tag...
Posted by Jon | November 18, 2007 8:57 PM
Stories such as this call to mind a political science class I had decades ago (pre-Desert Storm and at Cheney's alma mater no less) in which the professor said at one point something along the lines of: I am genuinely in awe of Cheney's lightning intellect and political instincts, but he unnerves me; and not for the particularities of positions he stakes out on various issues but for the general, overwhelming darkness of his world view.
Indeed, there is something excessive and gratuitous about his secrecy (such as the man-sized safe in his office), his laser focus on critics (such as Joseph Wilson), his bland disregard for ritual formalities (such as FISA or memorial protocol at Auschwitz) that the death-mastering total domination of a bunch of "quailtards" is less shocking than it is consistent with the character of somebody who lives in a world enveloped by darkeness; in such a world only a cloak of darkness itself provides the safe cover necessary for the deployment of liberating, death-defying powers.
The Praetorian Guard admits no light.
Posted by telecom | November 18, 2007 11:49 PM
I wonder if he ever had the stones for a one-on-one fistfight in his life, let alone a gunfight with someone who can shoot back.
I'm all for people knowing just where meat comes from, but that really is a pretty pathetic excuse for "hunting," and every serious, self-respecting hunter I've known would probably agree. Some people I've met like to brag about how they took a deer at 300 meters with a hundred year old rifle and so forth, in the middle of nowhere, and how many hundreds of hours of practice it took to get to that skill level.
Then there are those weirdos like The Nuge, who eschews firearms as too easy, and goes for a freakin' bow and arrow !
Posted by Cabbie | November 19, 2007 5:40 AM