Keeping us safe from Rustoleum
I see that Fireman Randy has been going undercover to catch those evil people who are not taking down names when they sell spray paint -- and even selling it from open displays rather than locking it up! Those dirty no-goodniks.

Comments (15)
While Randy gets in a thither about a little paint, DiHydrogenOxide is literally killing thousand of people each year and no one is doing anything about it.
Come on Randy, I you really care about Portland and saving lives ban DiHydrogenOxide.
And cut off Homer Williams’ gravy train, and Sam’s streetcar fantasies.
Posted by jim karlock | November 4, 2007 2:22 AM
Does the mere purchase of paint raise a sufficient probable cause of wrongful use of it to warrant the issuance of a warrant against all purchasers? Sounds a whole lot like "Bush" listening posts for all calls, or maintaining web visitor stats or library checkout records . . . to give to "government" upon demand.
I'd like to believe that even Clint Eastwood was better at separating his movie persona from his public representation.
Randy needs a toothpick (cigar substitute) a six shooter a cowboy hat and a practiced impression of "Do You Feel Lucky?"
And . . . he needs a camera crew. (For his home movies.)
Next up . . . he'll clean up the evil of people selling their bodies with his very own sting operation, forgetting that the consumer (in an exchange of cash for some banned purpose) is the target. Will Randy paint some graffiti or conspire to paint some graffiti or threaten to paint some graffiti so as to make the sale even remotely related to Home Depot acting as the enabler of Randy and his graffiti activities?
I'd pay a buck to watch your DVD. (You better include footage of illegal use, like the parade tape vigilantes, or your stunt is useless . . . except as comedy.)
If Randy announces his purchase how then can the record of the sale by Home Depot serve any evidentiary purpose at all to prove that Randy purchased such paint, for illegal use. (This would sound like the guy who races to confess to some crime he did not commit and the police try to get him to go away and not waste their time. Maybe Randy will have to become like a firestarter to satisfy his need for attention? USE THAT PAINT.)
Posted by pdxnag | November 4, 2007 2:49 AM
I was listening to the Bob Miller Show when Randy was told that The Big Box Store in Mall 205 was Flaunting his law. My Goodness You would have thought that The Feds had Just Defunded The Light Rail...
Posted by David | November 4, 2007 4:15 AM
If the Army has devised a way to make a Tank disappear, perhaps they can do the same for the gang graffiti problem. Either that or make Randy disappear.
Posted by Abe | November 4, 2007 6:30 AM
DEAR ABE: When do we get enough of this BS?
Sometime ago, I had a enough of Vera/Sam,Dan, Charlie(he really got to me)Diane..etc etc etc.PS:and Randy.
I looked at the idea that if enough people were like me, a message shot across the bow of the likes of stuff posted here, hitting one named elected offical who was screwing us all, that a recall would stop the others in their arrogant tracks.
That recall failed...Money to do it the biggest reason(why we didn't get that money is a story in itself), not to mention a city hall directed diversion 2nd recall of Vera.
Now, all I can say is I told you so!
That level of arrogance, imcompetence, stupid projects, favorite projects to favored developers and construction firms, is at best, out of cotrol.
My mistake was trying to cut the head off an old snake in the snakes den without the money to do it...but the snakes eggs hatched, and the rest is playing out daily.
2. Are you just content to "blog" about it or fight?
3. Which councilman would head the list to stop this insanity?
Posted by Jack Peek | November 4, 2007 7:13 AM
If he was undercover how was he dressed? Shouldn't he have been in a disguise? Maybe dressed as a bum, or with a big red nose, or had a bottle of hooch in a paper bag tucked into a ratty smelly overcoat.
I suggest we give Randy some help and send him our old worn out clothes so he'll be able to dress the part.
Posted by Better Government thru Intimidation | November 4, 2007 7:24 AM
I don't know whether to laugh or get angry.
Posted by Zeb Quinn | November 4, 2007 7:34 AM
Zeb Quinn: I ask the question again, DO WE BLOG OR FIGHT?
Posted by Jack Peek | November 4, 2007 7:42 AM
Government thru Intimidation????
That sounds like Moscow on the river of raw sewage, cause it's sewage alright.
Just respond to the questions I put above, if there is no stomach for a fight, better say so, cause it takes numbers or we lose alot more then we care to think about.
My old high school football line coach(a giant of a man, and a Marine)placed a mirror at eye level on the door going out of our locker.
He said win or need to look your soul in the eye, then you know if you left it all on the field, or cowered from a fight.
Posted by Jack Peek | November 4, 2007 7:58 AM
Dear Jack.
We have disagreed on old methods and issues before, but my thanks for the good work on the lead to this Randy story.
You captured what is a real shame, but got it right. Thanks
Posted by Jack Peek | November 4, 2007 8:05 AM
Maybe Randy should go after baseball bats as well as spray paint. I heard this blurb on the late night TV broadcast but really had to search to find it on the TV station web site.
News Release
Carla C. Piluso, Chief of Police Ofc. John Herrera, Public Information Officer
Available: Wednesday - Saturday 1400 – 0000 hours
15-Year-Old Male Arrested After Assaulting a 71-Year-Old Man with a Baseball Bat at the Gresham Central MAX Transit Station
On Saturday, November 03, 2007 at 9:21pm, several Gresham Officers responded to the Gresham Central MAX Transit Station located at NE 8th St and Kelly Ave on a report of an elderly male that had been beaten with a baseball bat. The fifteen-year-old male suspect was located and taken into custody within minutes by a Gresham Canine Officer at Division and Hood Ave. The seventy-one-year old male was transported to Oregon Health Science University. Victim suffered extensive head injuries and was admitted into the Neurology Intensive Care Unit. The juvenile suspect was lodged at JDH on Felony Assault I. The East Multnomah Gang Team and Gresham Detectives are still investigating this case.
RELEASE DATE: November 3, 2007
CASE NUMBER: #07-15371
Posted by swimmer | November 4, 2007 8:42 AM
Gresham is not a part of Portland. If there is a problem at Gresham Max stations, perhaps Gresham should police them.
Posted by JerryB | November 4, 2007 12:23 PM
Maybe Randy could put full time police to ride MAX. I rode MAX back from PDX one Saturday afternoon and the ride was not pleasant. A pretty rough crowd was on it and the Fbomb was their first language. Does not make one want to ride it again with the tension that is in the air.
Posted by pdxjim | November 4, 2007 12:41 PM
Mr. Peek what passes for government in Portland is really a welfare system for the well connected. It is all about legacy projects and has little to do with reality. Example while Randy has been on the council the lack of funding for the police department has been an overlooked issue. Poor management and inadequate training, low clearance numbers for both rape and auto theft, but in this case they have made a high priority item of paint cans. I am fully aware of the broken window theory of crime issues, but this should have been handled much differently.
Posted by Better Government thru Intimidation | November 4, 2007 2:50 PM
You folks have it all wrong - we're just not as enlightened as Fireman Randy. He sees the 'big' picture, he is gracing us with his brilliant insight.
If you don't like him (and I don't) then vote him out. Since you won't vote him out, get ready for some more really 'good' ideas from poppa Randy.
You voted him in, you get what you deserve/voted for.
Posted by native portlander | November 4, 2007 4:31 PM