
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 3, 2007 6:44 PM. The previous post in this blog was Factoid of the Week. The next post in this blog is Keeping us safe from Rustoleum. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, November 3, 2007

A beautiful autumn

What an amazing run of fall days we've been having in Portland. The clear skies, the mild days, the spectacular foliage -- New England has nothing on us this year.

This afternoon we stumbled across the last of the cherry tomatoes on our backyard vines. They were sweet as candy.

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Today did a lot for my mood as well. I've been cranky about several things - sorry - but Saturday was gorgeous and I saw a sight that really made me feel better: The great columnist Paul Krugman walking across Hawthorne among the people out enjoying the Fall day. I shook hands with him and told him how much I enjoyed his talk at the Bagdad Theater. Then it was home to watch the Oregon Ducks open a can of whup-ass .

I have been continually amazed at the magnificent colors and the bright sunny weather of late. Of course it's all over as soon as the next rain storm blows through and brings the rest of the leaves down, clogging many a storm drain around town.

But, my goodness, it has been so lovely and I hope it continues through November when I vacate to the southland for Thanksgiving.

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