
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 10, 2007 10:34 AM. The previous post in this blog was Union turns its back on Governor Ted. The next post in this blog is More on the meteorite. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Would you stick this in your nose every day?

I don't think I'm ready for that just yet. Even with a Prince album on.

Comments (7)

whoa, dude

i thought that was, like, a plastic bong...

...i don't think that would work out, man.

seems tame compared to colonics, though...

Hey, I tried one of these things at the urging of a friend. I have chronic sinus trouble.

Know what? I HATED it! Stung like I had a hot poker up my nose. Know that feeling you get when you jump in a pool a drive water up your schnoz? Try that for 30+ minutes! My eyes watered for 10 minutes and my sinuses were so jammed shut I became a mouth-breather for the rest of the afternoon.

Does the CIA know about these things?

Your mileage may vary but I'll never use the damned thing again.

Sinus irrigation is the only thing I've found that helps chronic sinus infections. The sensation isn't unpleasant, but it is a little odd.

But you don't need a $20 neti pot. A bulb syringe (like a larger version of the ones parents use to clear out babies' noses) works just fine.

As far as the spiritual aspects of it (as stated in the article), I would have no idea.

I have to say, as someone with defective sinuses (October usually equals hell sick month for me), the neti pot is the only thing I have found that brings consistent relief. It might seem a little weird, and can be uncomfortable the first few times you use it, it has has changed my life for the better.

After suffering for years and even considering surgery on the advice of a doctor, I am pretty much symptom free at this point.

I know this sounds like a paid advertisement, but really, it has worked great for me.

I love them. Only thing that has been more effective than drugging myself into oblivion with allergy medications. That being said, I only use it when I'm having issues.

Jeez I'm SO happy to not be alone in these sinus problems! Throughout law school I had at least two a year, usually ending up in bronchitis and all the attendant medication and other crap. As a result, I am now one of those unfortunate chronic sinus 'people' like these other posters.

Weird as it is, huffing saline (i.e., just warm water in your palm with some salt mixed in) is a great solution to meds. It is not sexy in any way, and after you snort it, you gotta hang over the sink until what is going to drain out - does (yes, gross). Then after a quick blow of the nose, things feel much better. It hurts while you're doing it though! But as I said, so much better than ephedra products!

I have to admit, it's gross, but it works wonders during allergy season. We went high tech in our house and bought large syringes (sans-needles) with rubber stoppers (easy to sterilize) and we buffer the saline with baking soda to make sure the pH is perfect.

And no burning if the water goes in slowly.

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