
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 8, 2007 3:59 AM. The previous post in this blog was How was your Portland Marathon?. The next post in this blog is More nice words about Portland. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, October 8, 2007

No potty in the SoWhat park?

They held a meeting last week for people interested in becoming the designer of the new park in the SoWhat district (a.k.a. Bankruptcy Village). As discussed here before, this is the single two-acre block of land down in the condo jungle that's already cost the city about $9 million to acquire and level down to an expanse of muddy grass. They've got another $3 million in the construction budget, plus whatever they pay the designer.

Lots of people showed up for the meeting, and there were lots of questions, which the city has posted and answered on its official bid solicitation site for the project. I'm not sure the city will let you read the whole thing without registering first, but the file is here. Among the interesting revelations:

- There may not be a public restroom in the park.

- If there's a "water feature," it will be small and begrudgingly included.

- The block just north of the park is owned by OHSU, and it's not clear what they're going to do with it.

- The block between the park and I-5 is going to be a parking garage with affordable housing on top. The current fantasy is for it to be built in 2011, but there are no guarantees.

- The Parks Bureau does not have "wind studies" for the area. (You wonder if maybe the folks involved with the aerial tram [rim shot] have one?)

Proposals are due a week from Thursday. Should be an interesting process.

Comments (2)

The tenants in the low-income housing project will provide a nice sound buffer from the freeway for the condo owners and their dogs.

One suggestion for an improvement:

"Cesar Chavez Park"

With a large space for rallies like the park across from the Fed bldg downtown.

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