
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 11, 2007 9:28 PM. The previous post in this blog was Our sick nation. The next post in this blog is Slim Jim boycott succeeds. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, October 11, 2007

Law enforcers, or law obstructors?

The Portland police are arrogant lawbreakers sometimes. Not only do they kill people without reason, but then they behave like jerks when they get sued for it. Now a federal judge is noticing the mean streak, and he's not going to stand for it. Good for him. Meanwhile, for a city who has a former police leader as its current civic leader, we should all hang our heads in shame. Is this what you want your legacy to be, Mayor?

Comments (4)

Don't be surprised when the revelation comes out that the documents in question were "inadvertently destroyed". "Ooops, were we supposed to save those records? Sorry Judge!"

By the way, I think your brush strokes may be too broad in characterizing our police force in general as "arrogant lawbreakers." That term certainly fits many, but certainly not most of our men & women in blue.

I said "sometimes."

What frost my behind is that this is nothing but poor management and the good cops get smeared by the actions of a few bad ones whom the city won't disipline. This town has put big money into all kinds of legacy projects for the Council. But it can't find the money to develop the proper management tools for the police department.
Frankly I don't think the Council gives a damn.

Or perhaps they're scared.

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