
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 18, 2007 1:59 PM. The previous post in this blog was Life after Grampy. The next post in this blog is Never made the schoolmother happy. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Wrong from the get-go

There are so many reasons not to like Portland's streetcars. Extravagant, slow... plus, they don't have a cool name.

Comments (19)

"There was a meeting with representatives from the city several years ago," Johnson recalled. "They asked us what we could do for you. Most people raised their hands and said 'affordable housing,' " he said. "Then the people from the city huddled together -- 'whisper, whisper, whisper,' -- and they said, 'How about a trolley?' "


Let's you put on a show!

I mean a naming contest...

Slow Moving Useless Transport

Shiny Hungarian Innercity Trolley

I don't know. I think, once again, Seattle's ahead of the curve on this one; they already have the coolest name imaginable.

That's just my view, of course.

Sorry Sam, I disagree. Seattle is deffinately in trouble with their light rail. Last night I saw a news piece on NWCN that interviewed the head of Seattle Transit. She admitted that they have overspent on their light rail by a factor of 3 from original projections, and that they can't make any accurate projections on how much the proposed extention of Tacoma will end up costing. However, they plan on steaming all ahead full into what could be a $80-100 billion project. (Yes, that was billion.)

Not my idea of "ahead of the curve."

Rename portlands streetcar
Portland's Environmentally Neutral Innermetro Streetcar

I have more... so many more... but I want to keep it PG


Not my idea of "ahead of the curve."

Well, I was referring to strictly the name issue, myself.

Interesting fact you posted there though, no doubt about that.

Let's make the PHART t-shirts anyway!
It's a start...

whenever we take the streetcar/trolley from one part of PDX to another we always look at each other and say:
"So slow escargot" I cannot think of an ancronym for it...but let's just call it the "SNAIL RAIL"

Transit for the Urban Renewal District?

Lots of people will come onto the SLUT, because a SLUT gets ridden by everyone. It's a perfect name!

Portland should be so lucky.

Portland Area Transit On Our Innercity Easements

I's unfortunate that we can't use Fast And Rapid Transportation.

Streetcar Quietly Undermining All Transit

Some one should rework it to apply to the trimet name that train contest.


Hey, bojack sycophants, quit whining. The streetcars are fantastic on a number of levels.

As a former Portlander, the naming brings back memories of the naming contest for Portland's zoo, the best of which of course were not used. They included: Zippity Do Zoo, Tri-County Taxpayer's Zoo, and Center for Containment without Consent.

I've always called it Maxine.

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