
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 18, 2007 4:00 AM. The previous post in this blog was And a federal prosecutor to boot. The next post in this blog is Wrong from the get-go. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Life after Grampy

What a fascinating 24 hours for politics and print journalism in Portlandia. First Willy Week publishes this story on the internet. It starts out sounding like another exposé by Pulitzer Jaquiss of alleged sexual misconduct with a minor by a high-ranking official in Portland. And hey -- this time it's alleged gay sexual misconduct with a teenaged intern! And it's being brought to light by the official's political rival, who's also gay. Holy moley, it's that man-on-man character assassination action we've all been hankering after.

But you read on for a while, and you realize that old Nigel's got nothing but the rumors, the scurrying around by the subjects of said rumors, and the denials. And that seems awfully curious. Over the years, I've learned that the Double Dub doesn't write or do much of anything unless it serves an agenda. So you've got to wonder, what's behind this one?

As Macchiavelli once said, "When you strike at a king, you must kill him." The boys at WW know that well. When they're preparing an assault, they know how to get the death blow all lined up before they tip their hands. If they were really after the public official in question in this case, they wouldn't have run with the story at this point. So they must be doing something other than making him look bad.

It doesn't take too much reflection to realize that they're doing just the opposite. There's only one possible purpose here, and that's to get the denials out at the same time as the rumors, while simultaneously making the accuser look bad. That must be it: it's a clever hit piece on the accuser.

Then the O jumps in, sending Anna Griffin out on a callback mission to City Hall that ends up with nothing much more than what was on the WW website earlier in the day. Did she do a hurried rewrite, or was she working on the same story and just got scooped by a half-day? (WW does appear to have some well placed moles at the O, among several other places in town.)

In the daily, the spin is the same, but much more transparent -- the accuser is definitely the bad guy. Bad bad bad.

Rounding out the comedy are Fireman Randy, who gets a chance in both stories to growl to the bad guy that thanks to enforcers of justice like the Fireman, the bad guy's through in this town (gee, even I haven't gotten that speech yet); and Vera, still a "towering figure" in Anna's eyes, who's just appalled that anyone would attack her fair-haired former aide. After all her hard work and example showing him how to gather the love from every corner, she'd hate to see anyone try to smear his name.

In both versions of the story, we get a peek into the innerworkings of the public official's office that are actually more interesting to me than whatever happened over candlelight at the Lotus Cafe after that late First Thursday dinner. Such as: Some former staffers really, really don't want their ex-boss to advance to the mayor's office. Others who work for him see it as part of their duties to keep young gay men from throwing themselves at the commish, and those staff members appear free to talk about such incidents with the media afterward. Moreover, these matters are discussed around the office "in a joking, locker room-like way." The boss "allows and even encourages aides to give him a hard time about the details of his personal life, from his fashion sense to his love life."

Oh, the next five years are going to be so entertaining around these parts. Should be a nice diversion from the fiscal collapse that's coming.

Anyway, even before this ugly episode, the accuser in this case never had a chance to be mayor. Against the guy he's attacking, he'd get beaten 2 to 1, and that's without this week's implosion. Unless he receives a last-minute reprieve in the form of some hard evidence of the sexual misconduct he's been sort-of-reporting, his political career now qualifies for a visit from the Death with Dignity people.

But I'll tell you one thing for sure: If you were writing this as a Hollywood script, you couldn't do better on the character name for the intern than Beau Breedlove.

Comments (62)

"Moreover, these matters are discussed around the office "in a joking, locker room-like way."

Must be a great work environment. If Adams gets elected Mayor, City Hall will be a fun place. I think quoting Machiavelli serves as a proper prelude. Don't put away that book too soon.

I am trying to figure out what Randy gets out of the deal for running interference. Must be something to cover up PFDR.

I find it interesting that the people who buy ink by the barrel are joining an adolescent cat fight rather than writing support article for their friend.

This arrived in my e-mail box this morning (from commisionersam@ci.portland.or.us):
"Dear Portlander,

As you have probably seen in the media, I have been the target of a nasty smear by a would-be political opponent. I will not dignify the substance of this smear by repeating it – if you read the accounts you will see there is no foundation to it. The reason is simple: it is untrue.

This kind of ugly politicking may be commonplace in other cities and at the national level, but Portland and Oregon largely has been blessedly free of it. It saddens me that it has been introduced here, and I have faith that Portlanders’ rejection of it will mean that this incident is an anomaly.

About this attempted smear, here is what I want to say.

I have in the past, and I will in the future, respond to people who reach out to me for help and advice. This is especially true when it comes to young people.

Growing up in Newport and Eugene, Oregon I remember when I was a teenager and I had nobody who I felt I could talk to at a time I desperately needed someone to give me advice and perspective about coming to terms with being gay. I came through it. Not everyone does.

Gay youth suicide rates, homelessness and depression are still too high. And, adequate services have been lacking: Reasons why I co-founded Portland’s Q Center, served on the Boards of Cascade AIDS Project, Basic Right Oregon and lobbied the state legislature in support of statewide non-discrimination laws.

I didn’t get into public life to allow my instinct to help others to be snuffed out by fear of sleazy misrepresentations or political manipulation. I understand the need for good judgment, and I work very hard to keep within the bounds of propriety -- as I did in this case.

I’m glad that people consider me as a person they could come to for help, understanding and support. I work at it. And I hope that you do too. Local programs needing mentors have long waiting lists.

About my political future: this attempted smear will not deter me from serving Portland in the best way I know how. Soon I will be with sharing with you my future political plans.

With warm regards,

If the currrent story is a soap opera, then if Ivancie runs does this become a horror movie?

oops...I meant Francisconi

These are the 2 best lines in this piece:

"...it's a clever hit piece on the accuser,"

"Should be a nice diversion from the fiscal collapse that's coming."

So why, Jack, do you think Portland will collapse financially? I have my own thoughts and observations of course. (Hint: Think about sewers.)

PS. I'm not counting Mr. Ball out of the running yet. Remember that Mr. Adams is the man who wants to raise taxes. And he told me that he didn't care about democracy.

Don, think "pensions" and "urban renewal districts"

WW knew before they published this there was nothing to the story except one candidate trying to throw mud on another cadidate. No news there. The next question is: Why does WW want to destroy Ball's political career?

Hey folks, let's give Neil - errrr, Sam the benefit of the doubt...

In the fallout, Leonard went so far as to tell Ball to give up any hopes of seeking political office: "As long as I've been doing this stuff, and keep in mind that I started in union politics, I've never felt so dirty. I've told Bob, 'You're not running for mayor. You're not running for City Council. You're done.' "

Gotta love Randy...what's he gonna do? Have Ball's legs broken? Fit him for an oil drum? Kill his dog? What an idiot.

A commenter over at WW says The O, WW, and the Trib have been chasing this for weeks. I figure WW published their story because Sam's about to announce and others were likely to publish. (Papers tend to be pretty aware of what's happening in each other's shops.) The idea that it's Sam who wants this out seems a bit poorly reasoned. Why would you want your entire candidacy to be clouded by the idea that you might be a pedophile? It's not like Adams told Ball to go around telling public officials he had sex with a minor. If this hurts Ball, it seems like it's his own fault.

Leonard is the source to WWeek. Leonard gave himself away with the quotes he used.

Jack nailed this on straight up: "That must be it: it's a clever hit piece on the accuser."

But why? To prevent Ball, and also shoe-in (not Hsu-in) Adams? Again, but why?

What is going on here?

mr. Adams should no better. Especially after what happened to Derek Fox. I think Adams would agree that it would be unacceptable for him to date any current staff member or potential intern, given the power he holds over them as an employer.By doing so he opens the city to a lawsuit. Hardly the appearence we need in leadership, given events of the past several years involving politicains of all stripes, parties and sexual preference. What Sam does as a consenting adult with consenting adults is his own damn business. But as an elected official he needs to to avoid any appearence of improper behavior, especially related to his official capacity

Yeah - what is going on here! And can anyone give an adequate explanation for the tawdry press release from our boy Bobby? I mean, first, to 'seek advice' from a public official regarding allegations this serious seems ridiculous. What sort of attorney recommends that as a course of action?

I think it's hilarious Ball is trying to maintain an air of deniability. He so screwed himself - doesn't matter who leaked it ultimately.

Maybe Sam will release the contents of the daily text messages, to show what he means by mentoring.

It appears To Be A put up job to me Check Friends of Sam . It will look Good Sam Gets in All The Media. Even Lars Bit. And Sam Gets To Say Poor Poor Pitiful Me. Best of both worlds and Doesn't drain the Campaign Fund

Maybe Sam will release the contents of the daily text messages, to show what he means by mentoring.

I doubt it, but there still may be a Foley moment...

...stay tuned.

why, Jack, do you think Portland will collapse financially?

Current police and fire pension and disability unfunded liability: $1.8 billion.

Current urban renewal debt: $600 million.

Population: 565,000 and shrinking.

You do the math.

If B Balls rational for 'reporting' this was that he was required to since he's a reserve cop, he is supposed to tell the State Children services abuse line just as any teacher or nurse or other person with similar legal obligations. Telling Randy or Vera does not meet this requriement. Therefore it seems there must be other motives on all sides!

Or . . . the story could be just what the participants said it was. A story about rumor spreading for political gain or private pleasure.

I realize that you all don't want Sam Adams as mayor but rumormongering about rumormongering isn't very seemly even in this little corner of disgruntlement.

"Foley Moment": God I hope not, but who knows? One thing's for sure, I'd love a peak at Blue Ball's Craigslist account...

Jack, sorry for calling you insane, I assume you deleted my comment for being troll-like. I'm used to more free-wheeling conversations at Loaded Orygun. Anyway, I really do think the idea that Sam would spread FUD about himself being a pedophile is just really poorly reasoned. I also wanted to point out that these text messages were in 2005, which might make retrieval rather tricky, but probably possible somehow. I don't think Breedlove would have volunteered their existence if he didn't think they were exculpatory, though.

That kid's name isn't actually Beau Breedlove, is it?

What should Sam's "scandal" name be?
I suppose Sam the Tram sounds scandalous enough, but there's got to be a better name.

And Bob Ball? That's pretty good as it is, but it could be improved by adding a suggestive suffix to the last name.

I'm used to more free-wheeling conversations at Loaded Orygun.

"Free-wheeling conversations", that's it!

I knew there was a euphemism for that "stuff".



rr, I think you can tell from my other posts that I wasn't on an all-caps, multiple-exclamation-point cursing rampage, I just tossed in a "that's just insane" or something similar. I tend to be thoughtful, even when I disagree. (And I've had some pretty heated back-and-forths with TJ at Loaded O. He not only allows them, he hits the recommend button.) Nevertheless, I realize different blogs have different threshholds for what's disagreement, and what's disagreeable. I'm fine with that.

"why, Jack, do you think Portland will collapse financially?
Current police and fire pension and disability unfunded liability: $1.8 billion.
Current urban renewal debt: $600 million.
Population: 565,000 and shrinking.
You do the math."

Jack - You might want to throw the $1.4 Billion (and soon to climb) Big Pipe debt. A billion here, a billion there - soon it adds up to real money.

Jack, sorry for calling you insane, I assume you deleted my comment for being troll-like.

If it's the comment I was thinking of, it was because it seriously mischaracterized what I had written.

Give my love to Mark Bunster. Remind him to read ORS 260.432(2).

Oh, you're right, Jack. I did misread you. I was confusing you with some others in the blogosphere who were saying Sam had orchestrated the whole thing. You're clearly just saying that WW is publishing this with an ax to grind against Ball. Still a conspiracy theory, but not such a black helicopter one.

And I had to Google Mark Bunster. I'm not sure what I have to do with that whole thing. Was part of my deletion because I linked to a certain newspaper?

If this was a Weinertown innoculation strategy (get the bad news out early and focus the spotlight on the accuser), then kudos to Sam's Club.

Especially if they knew there was nothing to hide, this was a great way to kill the messenger's innuendo and take the shine off his "political outsider" advantage.

I'm not sure how we would ever know (with certainty) that's what happened, unless Nigel was willing to admit he was either:

A) played like a fiddle, or

B) part and parcel of the innoculation strategy.

I think I have to eat my words about text messages. It looks like there really is no way to retrieve them. I looked up the use of text messages in investigations, and it looks like they've only been used when they were still on someone's phone. Given that these texts were from 2005, there'd have to be a ludicrous amount of memory on these phones. They probably don't even have the same phones. Maybe Sam can dig up some emails or something, but I'd be shocked to learn that years-old text messages are still floating around somewhere.

"And I had to Google Mark Bunster. I'm not sure what I have to do with that whole thing."

Mark Bunster is the CoP employee behind Loaded Orygun (besides BlueOregon as TorridJoe) who posts about 4 topics every work day during the work day on taxpayers time.

And it seems such a waste for not just taking taxpayers time, but that he only has about 3 people that actually read his website.

His taking taxpayer time to espouse his political viewpoints irks me more than it does Mr Bog.

Sam: I'm not gay, nor am I against gay's.....I'm questioning the focus of your public life and your desire to seek the mayors job.

I started a recall of your old Boss, simply because I felt she refused to listen to an issue of community safety (and you know the issue) I strongly question your ability to represent ALL of Portland, and these "rumors'" while they maybe rumors, your actions outside of the rumors still show you will not represent all of us...I want you to stop with issues you mentioned below, and get back to the basics of government, that being community safety, water, sewer and roads.......then when these are handled, if time and dollars allow, show your gratitude for the rest of your interests. You simply can't help us all, until you do.

Respectfully, Jack Peek

"His (torridjoe aka Mark Bunster) taking taxpayer time to espouse his political viewpoints irks me more than it does Mr Bog."

Mr Bog also referenced ORS something-or-other. I bet that is the code that says "no public employee shall use public resources (computers, routers, bandwidth, etc) to advocate for political purposes, candidates, measures, etc..." (I'm too lazy to look it up)

Like that silly law is gonna stop TJ. Hey, when the speech is what you want to hear, it is quite easy to ignore the law, and ignore the lost productivity, stolen work hours, etc.

TJ's boss is some lazy/idiot manager in the City of Portland Fire Dept IT Staff. And who heads up the Fire Dept? Isn't it Leonard? Leonard, who is that former government worker who is still on the public dole as an elected official, who regularly posts blog comments during working hours, advocating this or that political candidate or party issue.

Nobody is going to touch the government worker internet surfer / timewasters, since there are so many of them. Even the jailer who was boasting on the internet how he would beat up convicts for fun and pleasure, and get away with it. He is not even on paid leave of absence, just sidelined to a desk job until the stink blows over.

Accountability? Come on, we be talking a foreign language in that neck of the woods.

why, Jack, do you think Portland will collapse financially?

Current police and fire pension and disability unfunded liability: $1.8 billion.

Hmmm...and Mary Overgaard, the attorney Ball went to, is (or was) the wife of the former administrator of the Fire & Police Disability Fund, David Cook. The plot thickens...

Hey, isn't Ball's sister a second cousin to Kevin Bacon?

I feel like I need a shower...

Even though the alleged Adam's incident occurs in 2005, don't forget that the FBI has/had operatives in City Hall, as Mayor Potter has asserted. They may have knowledge of some of the e-mails, office notes, phone calls, etc. concerning Adams and Breedlove. Could there be more?

Are you sure this person still posts at Loaded O? I only really started visiting when they switched formats, and for a while it was TJ and Carla, and now it's just TJ running the show. Anyone else can post diaries, which is part of why I visit.

Oh, I see, TJ is Bunster. I suppose I ran out of moral outrage yesterday or something, because I'm just not feeling it toward TJ this morning.

Wow, Ball told KOIN even he does not believe the rumors, and that he didn't even believe the rumors back when he started going around town with the story.

"Ball told KOIN even he does not believe the rumors"

Lessee, what has Mr Adams and his staff stated in articles:
- There is a "locker-room" atmosphere toward sex in his office
- He has a staff person (Tom Miller" to "protect" him from underage types who may throw themselves at him even though he twice their age adn can always say no
- He hires a lot of young interns

See no mention of Mr Ball or Mr Adams being gay. I mean does this pass the smell test? At least for what we expect from an office of the city on taxpayer time?

Gay youth suicide rates, homelessness and depression are still too high. And, adequate services have been lacking: Reasons why I co-founded Portland’s Q Center, served on the Boards of Cascade AIDS Project, Basic Right Oregon and lobbied the state legislature in support of statewide non-discrimination laws.

Sam: You forgot the rest of us.

Same question for Ball: Can you represent all of us? I don't think so.

"Moreover, these matters are discussed around the office "in a joking, locker room-like way."

Must be a great work environment. If Adams gets elected Mayor, City Hall will be a fun place. I think quoting Machiavelli serves as a proper prelude. Don't put away that book too soon.

I am trying to figure out what Randy gets out of the deal for running interference. Must be something to cover up PFDR.

Posted by: Steve

Great question?

Population: 565,000 and shrinking.

Jack, I'm curious about this assertion. According to the Portland State Population Research Center, the city's population grew 6.3% from 2000 to 2006 (529,121 to 562,610). The U.S. Census estimates show a flatter trend (in addition to a smaller total) but not decline.

"I mean does this pass the smell test?"

Well, it's a bit stilton-ish. (Not everyone likes it, but it's not necessarily rotten.)

In the current climate where facts and rumors about a politician's mere sexual preferences - let alone behaviors - can generate lots of outrage, it seems like it may be simply prudent to have a staff person run interference with the interns. Sure the boss can say no, but if you wait for that there's already an "incident" that could make it into the press. (And possibly motivate a bitter rejected intern to seek revenge.) Better to cut it off before there's even an appearance to anyone that anything had the potential to happen.

Heck, even straight politicians would probably be wise to do this these days.


Most of Portland's population growth in the last 30 years has been through annexation and not through increased population. In 1950 Portland had a population of 373,000. In the 1980s Earl Blumenauer used to point out that although Portland's 1980 census population was about 420,000, by 1980 only about 320,000 persons lived within the 1950 boundary of the city -- that is, the city's population shrank by 50,000 in 30 years.

In the 1980s Earl Blumenauer used to point out that although Portland's 1980 census population was about 420,000, by 1980 only about 320,000 persons lived within the 1950 boundary of the city -- that is, the city's population shrank by 50,000 in 30 years.

Thanks for the info, Isaac. Question: Have there been annexations in the past six years? Absent that it would appear that, unlike in the 1950-80 period, the city is now actually experiencing population growth, or at the very least stability.

From the dawn of time until now, Portland's population has grown from 0 to 562,000.

STeve, to address your three points:

- There is a "locker-room" atmosphere toward sex in his office

No, an issue was raised in a jokey manner. There is not a general atmosphere of jock-strap snapping alleged.

- He has a staff person (Tom Miller" to "protect" him from underage types who may throw themselves at him even though he twice their age adn can always say no

No, nothing about underage types is alleged. Sam's a single guy who is routinely voted as "hot" in silly polls. People try to come on to him. Having someone who fends those people off so Sam doesn't have to deal with them is productive.

- He hires a lot of young interns

Well, alert Chris Hansen: a gay politician does the same thing every other politcal office does. Intern is not Latin for sex toy. Do you expect interns to be in their 30s or something? Because even 20-somethings might be too temptingly hot to handle.

There is not a general atmosphere of jock-strap snapping alleged....

No, nothing about underage types is alleged.

Unless you'd like to tell us who you really are, it's hard to see you as an authority on either (a) what is "alleged" or (b) whether the allegations are true.

From the dawn of time until now, Portland's population has grown from 0 to 562,000.

Indeed. But I'm still wondering how we get to "565,000 and shrinking." It's a small point, but someone, much earlier in this discussion (around about the dawn of time, I think), thought it was important enough to mention.

Having someone who fends those people off so Sam doesn't have to deal with them is productive.

It's productive in what sense? The less Adams does the better, IMO. Is this Tom Miller's job description that of someone like a concierge - does he filter out the "unacceptables" by hair color, height, what?

And I'm helping to pay for that?


The Census Bureau released data in 2005 that showed that Portland's population was shrinking. The Oregonian reported it on June 30, 2005. You could look it up, but not on OregonLive...

And if there's some dispute between the Census Bureau and the condo tower weasels at Portland State, I'll go with the former, thanks.

The point of my original comment was that every man, woman, and child in the city is now more than $4,000 in debt for urban renewal and police and fire pensions alone. Throw in the sewer bonds and it's something like $7,000. That ain't hay.

Jack, I'm a nobody. I can tell you what's not alleged because I read the article.

rr, you're right. Tom Miller's entire job description is clearly to allow only true Aryans to meet with Sam. Or maybe, given that he's Sam's chief of staff, Miller just does a whole host of jobs, one of them being keeping people who just have a crush on Sam from taking up the commissioner's time.

Also, Jack, TJ has written that he's retired and living in Lake Oswego. I really don't know the guy, but I just thought I'd put that out there. Maybe something changed?

Bunster's lived in Lake Oswego (the Lake Grove section) for as long as I have dealt with him.

If he's "retired," it's not because he has reached retirement age. He is not an old guy.

As for the "allegations," both articles indicate that the staff and the boss in Adams's office like to joke about who he's sleeping with. A recipe for disaster, if you ask me.

Also, the two times I've ever been in City Hall, people were coming and going from Sam's office all the time. The door's open. Thousands and thousands of people have to have spent time in that office. If it was operating like The Boom-Boom Room I think we would have heard about it by now. We would surely have a bunch of people anonymously hinting about a sexually loose environment in the comment threads of this story, at the very least.

"In a joking, locker room-like way, we made it clear that Sam should be careful," Miller says.

That seems to be what we're talking about in the WW story.

Adams ... allows and even encourages aides to give him a hard time about the details of his personal life, from his fashion sense to his love life.

I guess that's what you're referring to in The O? He's the "dreamboat commissioner," of course he's going to get teased and ribbed about that stuff. But nobody seems to be hinting that Sam is sexually harassing anyone, or that there's a hostile work environment. (I'm figuring that's the sort of stuff you're alluding to with the "disaster" comment.)

But nobody seems to be hinting that Sam is sexually harassing anyone, or that there's a hostile work environment.

Ask any human resources expert anywhere in the country whether they'd have concerns about what was in those stories about that office environment. If you find even one who's comfortable with it, let me know.

I don't know what the office environment is, other than that the boss, a public official, apparently gets teased about everything.

Yes, and when it involves his "love life," ask any human resources expert on earth whether allowing that's a good office practice.

James X. what alleged, I am quoting Sam's minions who volunteered this info for the paper and that was probably cleaned up.

If a guy says he has to steer potential trouble from Sam and warn, I don't think the issue is with adults.

Mr Bog is right, any slight off-color remark is cause for a trip to the HR director, I have seen it happen and with good reason.

Please don't tell it is just among friends, since I am sure a bunch of racist or homo-phobic friends making remarks in poor taste would get the evil eye from Randy in a heartbeat at a minimum.

As someone on the outside looking in, the "meat" of this story is somewhat playing out in the comment section of the WW story.

Having been let back on here after a "banning", I promise not to say what I think, but hell, this is much deeper then it looks like, and needs a really in depth investigative look at this, cause if it continues...Money problems for PDX, maybe pale compared to what our elected officals do at certain times of the day under the heading of "outreach."

If the $7,000 per person doesn't include the hotel we need to add that in there.

Question for the blog:

Can the combined effort of political observation here see any other...small, or large, or really big conflicts of interest, or interesting votes,or just plain screw-up's that might be fixed if we got some new blood in city, or county goverment?


PS: I mean some new blood that will represent us all.

Standing out front of my right of "Atilla the Hun" politics, I think it would be cool, in the idea we all could elect someone in goverment to get back to the basics of goverment...FIRE, WATER, SEWER, COPS.

I fought for one issue..I lost, the issue remains, community safety, the problem of what is, or isn't goverment's job remains.

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