
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 14, 2007 7:54 PM. The previous post in this blog was More air show carnage. The next post in this blog is Guess who's bailing on Iraq. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, September 14, 2007

Jon, Gretchen, and me

The identity of "Jon M.," the commenter who mouthed off and got himself or herself banned from this blog the other day, has been revealed. It's someone who shares an IP address (and more, one would think) with none other than Radio Gretchen!

In the course of calling me to task on her blog today for being too negative and banning Jon, Gretchen makes these constructive, life-affirming statements:

We used to enjoy Jack Bog's Blog, but lately it is really just too much negativity to take. I feel dirty after reading it, much like watching KPTV's 10:00 news....

Granted, J's post was in clear violation of Jack's comments policy, so the Blog Nazi is totally within his rights to ban us, much like the Soup Nazi can deny you from having soup. Forget the fact that I once posted the Comment of the Year So Far on Jack's blog. I guess I won't be doing that again anytime soon.

But it's for the best. Reading the Bog blog was a habit that needed to be broken.

Sheesh. For the record: The comment that got old Jon banned was tied to one of several posts I wrote relating to Greg Oden's season-ending (and maybe worse) knee surgery. Gretchen and Jon decided that I was taking pleasure in that shocking and depressing occurrence. I'm not sure how they reached that conclusion, but they did. Maybe anyone who didn't write the official "we still love Greg, he was still a great draft choice, and we'll still have a great team" pap is a bad guy in their minds. As Gretchen writes today:

That was sad news here. J was really looking forward to watching the man play. We got season tickets. Oden seems like such a good guy. How can anyone take pleasure in his pain? Well Jack Bog can...
You know, Gretchen, sometimes people laugh to keep from crying. It's not fair for you to determine how I felt about it. I hadn't run out and bought season tickets, but I'm a Blazer fan, too. I've covered more than a dozen Blazer games on this blog, with genuine enthusiasm. And what other non-sports blog in town spent as much energy on Oden this week as this one did? I changed my banner for the guy -- then changed it again to be even better. I even prayed publicly for him.

When the horrifying extent of the damage became known, yes, I implied that Oden's injury was a disaster for the Blazers, which it was and is. But that doesn't mean I like it.

Gretchen's conclusion-jumping reflects the same bad (and may I say, overly negative) attitude that got old Jon banned. Jon wrote, "While I realize the purpose of this blog is mostly to delight in the failure of others...." That goes way beyond Greg Oden, kids. I would never even think of going onto someone else's blog and leaving a comment like that. Kicking his or her sorry butt out of my house for saying that -- it was not being a Nazi. It was being a human.

I like Gretchen's blog, and it makes no sense for her not to be able to read mine. I'll reopen the portal between her glass house and this site now. We'll see how long her resolution lasts.

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